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So What Have You Achieved In 2011..

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Passed my driving test.

Made my relationship official.

Got pregnant after years of tests and problems.

And hopefully, will still be pregnant in 2012 (but baby is determined to make an early appearance it seems!)

"beat" depression - well off the medication at least.

Grew a pair and started telling people what I really thought.

Lost my best friend.

Got back in touch with an old friend & Wouldn't be without her now so gained a very close friend :)

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Another year gone and what have you achieved. Anything of note..


Been quiet for me with only three notable successes...


1. Lost 2.5 stones..

2. Had a poem published in a book about the Royal Wedding (yes that's right) :hihi:

3. Ditched all the prescribed medication I've been taking for ME / CFS.


Over to you...Trolls please stay away...:D


I hope that your ME stays away for good.My mate had it and could not persuade people to take him seriously-do you find the same thing happened to you?Have you altered your diet to lose weight or is it a consequence of stiff exercise?

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I hope that your ME stays away for good.My mate had it and could not persuade people to take him seriously-do you find the same thing happened to you?Have you altered your diet to lose weight or is it a consequence of stiff exercise?


The ME is still here but nothing works, nothing legal anyway, to cure it. so I just put up with it. Nobody seems to know what to do, even doctors aint got a clue. My main weight loss came from just eating three healthy meals a day then nothing after 6.00pm while 6.00am the next day. That ensure you get up nice and early. I also exercise a lot as well, just about every day, sometimes twice a day..:D

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