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My god its only kids football

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my son plays for an under 10s football team and i cant believe the way some parents behave at matches,ok we cant all agree on wots happenin on the pitch,but for gods sake it is only kids that are playing,my son was in tears today because of someones parent shouting at him when he retaliated to what had already just happened to him,yeah he shouldn't have had a go back but at 10 yrs old they dont always see reason,parent should think before they spout off.

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Was in kids football for 12 years here are a few, to think about.



Friendly Match( or not)

Lad played for his school team against a well known junior football team in Sheffield. The school team was under 11's the sheffield team were under 9's (but good). Parents of under 9's accuse school team of lad in defence being over age. Head teacher confirmed that the lad was the correct age. Another player in school team goes down injured. Referee (fully qualified) went over to him with concern as it was his lad. THe 9's parents find out that it was his son and he was the father.


End of game defender chased by 9's team parents trying to get him to admit he was over age. Refereee and son trying to get his son to the childrens. Had 9's parents trying to drag the referee out of his car.




Under 16's

Match played at Westfield school league match Visiting team had to have a escort of all the parents to cars in order that local thugs couldn't get to the lads to hit them with baseball bats.




Under 13's

Parent looking like learch out of the Adams family goes into the changing room at half time of his sons team hurles abuse at all the lads for playing rubbish drags his own lad out him under i arm his clothes in the other and dragged the kid home.


It's only fun for the kids ain't it.

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I pulled my son out of his team last season because of idioy parents.And thats just the parents of his team mates!


We were playing an away match at Maltby,and one of the dads from his own team was shouting and swearing at the kids on the pitch.When someone told him to shut his mouth,he started ranting and raving like a madman.


That was just about it for me,as I said to the wife,after this game ,he has finished.There is no need for the.Like has been said,it is only a kids game.


But things got worse.When a goal was scored against our team,the manager took off one of the strikers,and put my son on.The kids dad who was took off went mad.He stormed off to the manager and started ranting.He was wanting to know how he could take his son off because he was the star player.So what does the manager do? Takes someone else off and put the next David Beckham back on!!


Needless to say,I didn't wit to the end of the game.My son was off straight away and we were in the car and on our way home.

Since then,He has asked to start playing again,but I refuse to have any part in it.I know that sounds selfish on my part,but I am not prepared to plat politics for a kids game.

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I helped my sister take her kids to football before she learned to drive.


I got talking to a few of the parents of the players and was astonished by what they told me.


They would regularly slag off the manager and some of the kids.


One woman accused one of the players of bribing the manager so he could play because the lad had given him a christmas cards from his mum and dad.


The lad in question was 8 and I'd guess he wouldn't know what a bribe was.


In the end I convinced my sister to withdraw her lads from the team because there was so much back stabbing and bitterness.


I found them a Church team to play for. They're not only taught how to be better players but how to conduct themselves and show respect.


You don't have to be religious or go to church to play for them, just make sure their subs are paid.


We played against their old (scummy) team the other week and our players were more well mannered and polite than the majority of the so called adults watching.


What a sorry state of affairs.

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I think if most people realised that about 0.01% 0f the kids in junior football make it to professional level let alone play for United or Wednesday. The kids game would be far better, it rarely happens at school football because most of the parents don't attend.

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This has always been the same. When my little brother played some of the parents were awful. I actually ended up smacking one of the parents one match cos she hit one of our players who was 13 by the way and he wasn't even her son.


I have seen the manager throw keys on the pitch and scream and shout! Its a joke to be honest!


Not everyone sees it as a game :loopy:

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Parents should be banned from attending football games full stop. Having seen some of them in action I think it's disgusting, you wouldn't talk to a dog the way some of these imbecilic scumbags speak to their kids when they're playing football. God knows what their home life must be like.

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