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Nice place to live. Woodhouse


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I've lived in or around woodhouse for the last 25 years and when i recently bought i was only looking in the local area. Woodhouse is a decent place to live, enough shops to get by if you dont drive, a post office, bank, butchers, bakers, doctors, dentist, optician, library. It is served by plenty of buses to go to town or crystal peaks. Its a 10 minute drive to crystal peaks, or asda or morrisons. and close to the parkway or Motorways for travelling.


The pubs can be a bit dodgy but i've never had any trouble, likewise have never had any trouble from anyone from the hostel, and there is now a banning order to prevent them drinking in the square to try to prevent the drunkenness.


There are a lot of worse places to live, personally i like it

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Hi, just wondering what people on here think of Woodhouse as a place to live,

as I might have the chance of moving up there, no witty remarks please. :)


They've both got their problems, not many shops on stradbroke, a lot more amenities in woodhouse, eg shops, pubs, doctors, dentist. etc.

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The feral youth have been quiet this last year. This may be due to local police powers to stop them congregating. I used to witness groups of teen male and female walking up to the Square swearing and being generally vulgar. Drinking in the street was a frequent event. Not any more.


In three and a half years I have had three broken windscreens, one garage break-in and most recently three youths coming into the house trying to steal my boy's xbox. But nothing to report in recent months.


There have been "grab alcohol and run" raids in Costcutter and Co-op in the last week by 'children' but generally I get a sense that Woodhouse has turned a corner or that the core of the trouble causers are otherwise engaged or gone.

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Mostly ex cons that are homeless and have drink/drugs issues!


Despite a troubled background these characters seem to have been assimilated and to be honest do not stand out;they are loyal users of the buses(93,25) and act as a role model for visitors to the tattoo centre.

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Woodhouse appears to be on the up. Whilst previously I wouldn't have wanted to wander around on my own as a young woman, now I think it'd be okay. I'd certainly consider moving there but maybe more on the outskirts of Woodhouse.

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Despite a troubled background these characters seem to have been assimilated and to be honest do not stand out;they are loyal users of the buses(93,25) and act as a role model for visitors to the tattoo centre.


whats the shops and pubs like. :)

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