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Addicted to NRT

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I've noticed a fair few people I know who used to a smoke are now addicted to NRT.


Instead of being addicted to fags, they are addicted to the gum.


Have you noticed anyone get addicted to the NRT?


Got to be better than a long slow death caused by smoking.

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I did that. I found quitting Nicorette gum even harder than quitting fags. It took me over a year to give up the gum.

I realised in hindsight that it was making me feel quite ill.

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You can OD from NRT, it is not without it's dangers.


You might aswell say it's better for your health to be a chronic alcoholic than be on gear.


If by "gear" you mean heroin, the latter statement is palpably false; whereas nicotine patches are definitely less harmful than cigarettes, as they contain only one toxic ingredient instead of innumerable ones.


Less harmful does not, of course, mean entirely harmless; but nobody should refuse to cut down a risk on the grounds that they won't be eliminating it.

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You can OD from NRT, it is not without it's dangers.


You might aswell say it's better for your health to be a chronic alcoholic than be on gear.


The dangers/shortcomings of taking any legal product will be well documented anyone with a bit of commonsense would not get into that situation.As for OD ing from taking NRT , you might be right, but help is only a trip to the doctors away before it gets that bad.

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The dangers/shortcomings of taking any legal product will be well documented anyone with a bit of commonsense would not get into that situation.As for OD ing from taking NRT , you might be right, but help is only a trip to the doctors away before it gets that bad.


There are NO long term studies yet. And doctors are encouraged to give out NRT, they are encouraged to push NRT onto the public, and NRT is advertised on the TV. The TV adverts make NRT look 'cool'.

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There are NO long term studies yet. And doctors are encouraged to give out NRT, they are encouraged to push NRT onto the public, and NRT is advertised on the TV. The TV adverts make NRT look 'cool'.


If there are no long term studies how do you know it is possible to OD, but then a fool could OD on any number of everyday products even water.

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If by "gear" you mean heroin, the latter statement is palpably false; whereas nicotine patches are definitely less harmful than cigarettes, as they contain only one toxic ingredient instead of innumerable ones.


Less harmful does not, of course, mean entirely harmless; but nobody should refuse to cut down a risk on the grounds that they won't be eliminating it.


That doesn't make it less harmful. It depends upon how it is administered, how it interacts with other things etc.


You can take nicotine in a variety of ways now, you can snort it, breath it in, chew gum, wear patches.

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