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Suarez- guilty as charged


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Any small part of sympathy I had for Suarez vanished on Saturday lunchtime. If I believed his defence that he didn't know his words would be percieved as racist in the UK, then he could be given the benefit of the doubt. Not any more. He has been told in every quarter over the last few weeks that he WAS being racist, he can not be in any doubt now. Therefore, he should have been seeking public forgivness from Evra. He was offered it in that handshake, and he threw it back in his face. My conclusion is that Suarez is ever geniunely racist, or at best, too stupid to understand the offence his previous comments caused. Whatever the reality, he should never play for Liverpool again.


Kenny Dalglish isn't much better. Suarez admitted using the words he did - what planet is Dalglish living on to defend him? It beggars belief. I honestly think that he ought have been dragged in front of the FA on a misconduct charge. And as for his painfully pathetic attempts at doing the indiginant "I didn't see it" explanation yesterday, top marks to Geoff Shreeves for not accepting being taken for an idiot, and making him feel as uncomfortable as he deserved to be.


I have no love for Sir Alex - but he got his comments spot on.

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After seeing MOTD, in fairness to Suarez it did seem to me that Evra moved his hand downwards as Suarez approached before changing his mind but was perhaps too late, Suarez could have thought he was being snubbed and so went straight to the goalie. Anybody else see it this way?


No he didn't look ready to withdraw his hand. He was looking straight into Suarez's eyes, and his expression changed from indifference to outrage. He didn't look like a man ready for an argument initially. He was expecting a handshake - simple as that.

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After seeing MOTD, in fairness to Suarez it did seem to me that Evra moved his hand downwards as Suarez approached before changing his mind but was perhaps too late, Suarez could have thought he was being snubbed and so went straight to the goalie. Anybody else see it this way?


No. I saw someone previously abused by another ready to shake hands.

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