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Suarez- guilty as charged


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I can't believe what I am hearing what I am from the media and Liverpool football club.

On the one hand they go hand over fist to promote anti racism in football with the kick racism out of football campaign among other things but then when racism is proved they want it to go unpunished.


Suarez was found guilty of insulting another player with a refrence to the colour of his skin uhh so if thats not rascist what is!!!!!!!!!

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Whether Suarez is actually racist or nor is neither here nor there, it makes no difference. He can be racist covertly all he wants. It's what is actually said that matters.


Being ethnic yourself or having friends/team mates that are ethnic is not an excuse and shouldn't even be considered in determining what words are suitable.


Ok ***** may not be derogatory in Uruguay. But can someone explain why someones colour would need to be mentioned on the pitch in the first place regardless of the argument?


It wasnt '*****'. It was 'negrito' which is a term of endearment in Uruguay. Look this is the country that call a black national team player (Parreira) 'monkey' openly. Its not racist, just a cultural thing unless were saying EVERYONE in Uruguay is racist. No intent.


Evra just got the wrong end of the stick, thought it was something else, hence putting in a complaint of racism without knowing the full facts.


Plus there is no suggestion there was an argument. He said it 10 or 11 times apparently during the course of the match, which Suarez admitted to.


Storm in a teacup if you ask me. I feel sorry for the Liverpool player and his family.

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:huh: Do they really not see that you can't (logically at least) continue to accuse Evra of making this up when much of the defence of Suarez has been been on the grounds that *****/negrito isn't a derogatory term in Uruguay?


I thought this myself. I believe that relying upon their contradictory defence that Suarez comes from a culture where casual racism is more acceptable, whist simultaneously trying to insinuate that Evra was a liar was always a risky one, and in this countries culture he was always going to be hammered.


If Suarez had come out straight away and said he meant no harm, and apologised for any harm caused by his actions all this would have blown over.

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Suarez was found guilty of insulting another player with a refrence to the colour of his skin uhh so if thats not rascist what is!!!!!!!!!


That would be; but the word Suarez used is not an insult in English, and not an insult in the country where it actually is a word.


So what has he said that was insulting?

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Such an oddly lenient ban too. 8 matches. Rio Ferdinand misses a drugs test cos he was out shopping and gets 8 months!


If it was really racial abuse it would be a year ban, a short prison sentence (like potentially Terry) possibly more (sacked?).


I get the feeling this went on so long the F.A had to be seen to act, to do something, and make an example out of Suarez.

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Whether Suarez is actually racist or nor is neither here nor there, it makes no difference. He can be racist covertly all he wants. It's what is actually said that matters.


Being ethnic yourself or having friends/team mates that are ethnic is not an excuse and shouldn't even be considered in determining what words are suitable.


Ok ***** may not be derogatory in Uruguay. But can someone explain why someones colour would need to be mentioned on the pitch in the first place regardless of the argument?


thats was exactly my argument in the previous thread when he was first charged. why on earth refer to the colour of anyone in any conversation on a football pitch, it was always going to be taken as a slur. i dont give a toss if his long lost grandad was bright blue, he was calling evra a name related to his skin colour in a fiercly contested match. it wasnt meant in any friendly manner obviously or as a term of endearment. the liverpool fans and club defending that are deluded in claiming its ok in uraguay, the match was at liverpool in good old blighty

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according to good old wiki






The term "Negrito" is the Spanish diminutive of *****, i.e. "little black person", referring to their small stature, and was coined by early European explorers.[3]


Occasionally, some Negritos are referred to as pygmies, bundling them with peoples of similar physical stature in Central Africa, and likewise, the term Negrito was previously occasionally used to refer to African Pygmies.[4]



The Negrito are a class of several ethnic groups who inhabit isolated parts of Southeast Asia.[1]


Their current populations include 12 Andamanese peoples of the Andaman Islands, six Semang peoples of Malaysia, the Mani of Thailand, and the Aeta, Agta, Ati, and 30 other peoples of the Philippines. Reports from British traders also speak of negrito people on Borneo (Sarawak). (Journal of the Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XXIX, part 1, 1956)


Negritos share some common physical features with African pygmy populations, including short stature, natural afro-hair texture, and dark skin; however, their origin and the route of their migration to Asia is still a matter of great speculation. They are the most genetically distant human population from Africans at most loci studied thus far (except for MC1R, which codes for dark skin).


They have also been shown to have separated early from Asians, suggesting that they are either surviving descendants of settlers from an early migration out of Africa, commonly referred to as the Proto-Australoids, or that they are descendants of one of the founder populations of modern humans.[2]



thats a racist slur in anyones language calling someone that a dozen times during a footy match or have i gone crackers?

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It wasnt '*****'. It was 'negrito' which is a term of endearment in Uruguay. Look this is the country that call a black national team player (Parreira) 'monkey' openly. Its not racist, just a cultural thing unless were saying EVERYONE in Uruguay is racist. No intent.


Evra just got the wrong end of the stick, thought it was something else, hence putting in a complaint of racism without knowing the full facts


We're not in Uruguay.

It is not a term of endearment here, so why shouldn't Evra (who is not from Uruguay) take offence?


Just because one nation does it, doesn't make it right.


That would be; but the word Suarez used is not an insult in English, and not an insult in the country where it actually is a word.


So what has he said that was insulting?


I didn't realise you had to speak in English to be done for racism?

Would you like to give the translation 'negrito'? If it is right what Chris above has put... then he should accept his punishment.

If he honestly didn't believe he was doing anything wrong because of his culture, then let this be a lesson to him.


Ignorance is a lame excuse.

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