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Suarez- guilty as charged


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Only seems like yesterday when Barnes and Luther Blissitt were playing for Watford in the top flight and finishing second i think.


Can't remember other two of that famous four man forward line though.


John Barnes amazing ball skills with that left foot!

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interesting John Barnes came out and defended Suarez, claiming it was a witchhunt. Barnes is black by the way. Not only that he had bananas thrown at him in the 80's, almost every week. Speaks volumes.


Just because one person doesn't find something offensive, doesn't mean another will not.


This is what Gus poyet (former Uruguay international) said about that word:


"In Uruguay it is a nickname for someone whose skin is darker than the rest," he explains. "It is not offensive. Such people are part of our society. We will defend them, go to war with them, share everything with them, and at the same time use that word. But I do understand that in England the word is used differently, so we have to pay attention how we use it. We need to adapt. Do we as foreigners need to adapt more to England than England to us? Yes, of course. That's common sense. I know things Luis Suarez does not know because I have been here 14 years. So let's use common sense and give the kid a chance."


See the bold part.

Why should skin colour come into it at all?

If what Gus says is correct, then he is guilty. No if's, no but's.


Even if this was the case, it doesn't make it alright for someone else to say it to him.


For example (And sorry in advance for the word used, it's just for the example)...


Evra may have other friends and they may call each other "nigga". Would that then mean it's ok for Suarez to then say the same to him? No it doesn't. It is a word used between friends who know each other and know they don't mean any harm by it. A word used between friends is a world apart from someone else saying the same thing.


Can't agree with that.

If we are to rid racism altogether, then using such derogatory words needs to be wiped out full stop.

Allowing friends to use words towards but being offended by others use of it, is hypocritical to say the least.

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Evra may have other friends and they may call each other "nigga". Would that then mean it's ok for Suarez to then say the same to him? No it doesn't. It is a word used between friends who know each other and know they don't mean any harm by it. A word used between friends is a world apart from someone else saying the same thing.




I think you will find most of the eastern european countries use this word as well.When I tell them not to say it in Britain they think I am kidding them.

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Just because one person doesn't find something offensive, doesn't mean another will not.




See the bold part.

Why should skin colour come into it at all?

If what Gus says is correct, then he is guilty. No if's, no but's.




Can't agree with that.

If we are to rid racism altogether, then using such derogatory words needs to be wiped out full stop.

Allowing friends to use words towards but being offended by others use of it, is hypocritical to say the least.




I don't believe any of this.


1) He's guilty of using the word 'negrito' which he admitted freely too. Yet weve established its not got quite the same connotations as the N word used in UK.


2) Shouldnt start messing around with language, just because its not in one persons dialect and you find it offensive means its your problem not the one using the language. Otherwise we live in a world where we are scared to say anything for fear of upsetting others.


It is the intent that counts. And Suarez had no intent to abuse. So he is innocent of the charge.

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If Barnes defends him then it must mean Suarez has been wronged...


Barnes is an intelligent man. He knows all of this is nonsense. Yes, we need to stamp out racism but we are targeting the wrong guy.

It will all come out in the wash, Suarez will be proved innocent on appeal.

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I don't believe any of this.


1) He's guilty of using the word 'negrito' which he admitted freely too. Yet weve established its not got quite the same connotations as the N word used in UK.


2) Shouldnt start messing around with language, just because its not in one persons dialect and you find it offensive means its your problem not the one using the language. Otherwise we live in a world where we are scared to say anything for fear of upsetting others.


It is the intent that counts. And Suarez had no intent to abuse. So he is innocent of the charge.


just to pick you up, on that last point. neither you or anyone else has any proof or information whatsoever that it wasnt intended to be hurtful, or as a put down to Evra. the only people who can make that judgement are the FA, having read all the facts. And they found him Guilty. end of discussion in my view now, its just a matter of appeal being succesful or not

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Can't agree with that.

If we are to rid racism altogether, then using such derogatory words needs to be wiped out full stop.

Allowing friends to use words towards but being offended by others use of it, is hypocritical to say the least.


I actually agree with that. I may have worded it wrong.


What I meant was that what Evra's friends and team mates call him away from the pitch when they're not in public, should have no bearing on what Suarez is allowed to call Evra on the pitch.


It doesn't matter whether Suarez is offended by racist words or not, that isn't the issue. Racism shouldn't be allowedfull stop on the pitch.

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