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Suarez- guilty as charged


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Official FA report released...




The FA's case, in short, was as follows. In the goalmouth, Mr Evra and Mr Suarez spoke to each other in Spanish. Mr Evra asked Mr Suarez why he had kicked him, referring to the foul five minutes previously. Mr Suarez replied "Porque tu eres *****", meaning "Because you are black".




Mr Evra then said to Mr Suarez “say it to me again, I’m going to punch

you”. Mr Suarez replied "No hablo con los ******", meaning "I don't speak to blacks". Mr Evra continued by saying that he now thought he was going to punch Mr Suarez. Mr Suarez replied "Dale, *****, *****, *****", which meant "okay, blackie, blackie, blackie".



As Mr Suarez said this, he reached out to touch Mr Evra's arm, gesturing at his skin. Mr Kuyt then intervened. When the referee blew his whistle and called the players over to him shortly after the exchanges in the goalmouth, Mr Evra said to the referee "ref, ref, he just called me a ****ing black".

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Part of Suarez's defence:

"He pinched Mr Evra's skin in an attempt to defuse the situation. He also said that his use of the word '*****' to address Mr Evra was conciliatory and friendly."


The Independent Regulatory Commission found that:


"Suarez's evidence was unreliable in relation to matters of critical importance. It was, in part, inconsistent with the evidence, especially the video footage.


To describe his own behaviour in that way was unsustainable and simply incredible given that the players were engaged in an acrimonious argument.

That this was put forward by Mr Suarez was surprising and seriously undermined the reliability of his evidence on other matters.


Here were also inconsistencies between his accounts given at different times as to what happened."


More here.


I hope Liverpool appeal, and the FA double his sentence.

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Part of Suarez's defence:


The Independent Regulatory Commission found that:




More here.


I hope Liverpool appeal, and the FA double his sentence.


Me 2 ! Then I hope they re-appeal and he is banned for another full season! Dagliesh is disgrace also and should be banned

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The Liverpool of old would have moved to get rid of Suarez after such a nauseating display.


Sadly, the new breed wear t-shirts in support of their racist players.

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Finally this puts to bed the ridiculous nonsense spouted previously that Suarez was usuing a friendly term thats perfectly ok in Uraguay. what an absolute tosspot of a player. 8 matches is about right given the evidence presented, any appeal should result in a season long ban now. very interested to see how liverpool and dalgleish respond to this evidence now if they do.

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How embarrassed the Liverpool Players must be??,they supported one of their own who LET THEM DOWN AND LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL CLUB.

He has been proven to be a liar of the first order, Racist must be rooted out,he thought just because he's a millionaire he could lie his way out of it.


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Liverpool's over the top support for Suarez & continued attacks on Evra seem all the more puzzling now.


Surely Liverpool's lawyers must have pointed out that it was rather problematic that Suarez kept changing his story as the case progressed contradicting himself, teamates & video evidence & was ultimately reduced to the risible argument that he repeatedly called Evra "*****" and pinched him to try and diffuse the situation.


If Liverpool had put out an apology for Suarez's behaviour right at the start saying that Suarez didn't appreciate that using racial language to try and wind-up opponents isn't accepted here then few people would be still talking about the incident and Liverpool's image wouldn't be overly affected. Instead they mounted a concerted campaign to try and defend the indefensible and attack the victim which surely can't do anything but harm Liverpool FC's image.

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I am from Uruguay and this is my opinion: Suarez was not inviting Evra for dinner. He is not a racist, surely, but has the embebed social racism wmost of us have (everywhere). Still, I think it´s very hypocritical to punish him so hard. When you are playing football, and struggling, you call the opponent anything, bold, fat, black, whatever is most handy. That is the real scenario. You don´t really mean that, you are just insulting in the "heat of the battle", just like players get insulted constantly by the crowds. So let´s be less hypocritical and not crucify Suarez, when most of us still have this embebed racism. Let´s improve yes, and try to get rid of it, but not point in a single direction.

Saludos a todos.

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