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Frustration finding somewhere to live!

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Here's a brief back story!


Moved in private rent via Blundells Nov 2010 with my then partner... we were both working full time and could easily afford the rent...

the relationship broke down, she left not long after (Feb 2011), and a friend of mine who was looking for somewhere to live moved in to help pay the rent...


I was made redundant in June, and claimed housing benefit, I was left in debt by my ex too so was struggling paying bills, ended up about 1/2 month behind on my rent..


I was served a section 21 notice at the end of August stating the Landlord wants to retake posession of the property on 3rd November 2011..


My then house mate, managed to find somewhere pretty quick as he was still working full time, the house belongs to a work mate of his.


November came, and I still had nowhere to live, Dispite going to Northern Counties and getting point priority, and talking to the Council about the whole thing.


I moved out of the property on 2nd November, and am currently sleeping on my mums sofa...


I have since talked to The Council again, several times who say I am classed as Homeless (I have this in writing), however I am NOT in priority need as I'm not classed under the listed 'vunerable' groups.


Northern Counties offered me a property, but this is where the other problem arrises, they had to use Blundells as a reference, and because of me being behind on the rent, Northern Counties will not offer me a property until Blundells write to them and say the rent is up to date, they also stated that Blundells said I caused damage to the property!


I had the idea of using my deposit with Blundells to clear off the rent arrears (as it was a full months rent for deposit), however, the Landlady has said I have caused damage to the property and wants the full £475 deposit, leaving me with the rent still to pay (as well as paying off debts still).


Now, I admit the living room carpet needed a clean, and a couple of minor things (Shelf in spare room fell off) so I had written off about £150 from the deposit, which should still leave enough to clear the rent arrears, so I'm currently in the process of metaphorically fighting with Blundells over this claim, I have requested a copy of the inspectors report to see exactly what damage I have supposibly caused and what the deposit is wanted for etc.


but meanwhile, I'm at my mums small 2 bedroom bungalow, with her and my sister, sleeping on the sofa/floor, with all my belongings storred in a friends house (who is moving out at the end of January, so i'll have to find somewhere to store my stuff from then)


Now, because I'm not currently employed (I am looking) that puts 99.9% of private rent properties out of the question as they state no DSS, and most need a full deposit (which I cannot afford)


Council won't/haven't given me priority, Northern Counties will not offer me any more properties due to the above, other housing associations I have contacted either don't have any properties available or upcoming, or are offered via the Council/Property Shop


I only have two years waiting time on the council list, which isn't enough (most say 5-10 years waiting time)


I'm also only 29, so these 40+, 55+ or 60+ only properties are out of the question also.....


So, i'm stuck... anyone have any ideas?

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The priority I would have thought, is to find a job...Any job.....It's not ideal sleeping on a sofa or floor or whatever, but the whole problems stems to 'lack of funds'. So that has to be a priority.....It's always the same. If you have a job (anything), it's much much easier to get another one, in something you're good at, and like. It's really hard I know, to find a job when you havn't got one. Don't quite know why, but that's the way of the world, I'm afraid.



I wish you the very best!

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With regards to job(s), i'm trying... up until last week I was applying for atleast 3 per week, the problem being I can't just do "any old job" due to various reasons (i'm not / can't go into fully on here, that's a totally seperate and complicated issue)


I could do a house share, but I have way too much stuff for a standard double room, i'd have no room for a bed.. :/

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With regards to job(s), i'm trying... up until last week I was applying for atleast 3 per week, the problem being I can't just do "any old job" due to various reasons (i'm not / can't go into fully on here, that's a totally seperate and complicated issue)


I could do a house share, but I have way too much stuff for a standard double room, i'd have no room for a bed.. :/


Sell some of your stuff and free up some funds to help yourself out of this problem. It might sound harsh, but you will have to make sacrifices given how desperate the current situation is.

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With regards to job(s), i'm trying... up until last week I was applying for atleast 3 per week, the problem being I can't just do "any old job" due to various reasons (i'm not / can't go into fully on here, that's a totally seperate and complicated issue)


I could do a house share, but I have way too much stuff for a standard double room, i'd have no room for a bed.. :/


Blimey. That makes things awkward. I know you must be applying for jobs, as you say. But really, that has to be the starting point. Without an income, you're up the proverbial 'creek' without a paddle. If you could manage to get some paid employment, then you can rescue your stuff from your mates house, and rent one of those lock-up boxes type places so that's one problem solved and then save to get a place of your own. There's no easy 'one word' answer I'm afraid.

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Sell some of your stuff and free up some funds to help yourself out of this problem. It might sound harsh, but you will have to make sacrifices given how desperate the current situation is.


My stuff's not really worth selling, was given the table and suite and fridge, the rest are personal things that have meaning to me, and wouldn't really be worth anythign to anyone else.... other than my computer! :/

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