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Good city pub with good beer for football?


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I was asked by a colleague visiting Sheffield whether I could recommend a good city centre pub for him to go and watch football in. I stumbled at that point and I could only come up with the following ones where I knew football would be on - Walkabout, The Common Room on Division Street and The Old Monk down by the Crucible.


Other than that, I was really drawing a blank and I don't even think any of them (personal opinion) serve good beer (that's another personal opinion).


Would anyone be able to educate me?

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I thought the bloke was asking about "good beer" as in, proper real ale?


Weatherspoons has real ale - but oh dear, it is very much a token gesture. I have been to several of their pubs, all over the country, and they just don't keep a good cellar I'm afraid. The real ale in Weatherspoons is pretty vile. It's obvious they don't know how to keep real ale properly or they just don't bother cleaning the lines, or both.


I can't think of a real ale pub in the city centre that has sports TV. Some of the one's suggested earlier might be worth a shot I guess, but the two things don't seem to fit together.

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I can't think of a real ale pub in the city centre that has sports TV. Some of the one's suggested earlier might be worth a shot I guess, but the two things don't seem to fit together.


This was my fear; and the conclusion I'm slowly coming to. However, it might be worth suggesting Henry's or the others. I'll probably start by suggesting Henry's as I know exactly where that is.


I don't think I'll direct him to the Red Lion on Charles Street, but thanks for the suggestion.


I can also take a look-see for The Crane one day, see if it's still going.


Thanks for the input... just as I thought, it wasn't exactly an easy question.


Cheers, Hippo

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