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"Big Man" Charged for throwing yob off

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The "big man" should have taken the moral high ground and not done anything.


We have to think about the rights of the young sweary type who was effing and jeffing on that train.


Hopefully the young man will get £1,000,000 in compensation.


If that happens, can someone help me recreate the scene? its easy to do - we get on the train at Meadowhall without a ticket, I start to swear loudly, and someone needs to frog march me off the train.


I then make a pathetic attempt to reboard the train and you push me back onto the platform and shout "Nay moov".


I'm split the compensation 50/50 if we win £1000000

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A passenger who threw a suspected fare-dodger off a train in Scotland has been charged with assault, British Transport Police have said.


Alan Pollock nicknamed 'Big Man' is seen in viral mobile phone footage manhandling 19-year-old Sam Mains during an altercation between the Falkirk youth and the ticket inspector.


Mr Mains was then pushed head-first onto the platform - receiving cuts to his face and bruises.



[Related video: Tube dancing man shoved off train]



British Transport Police said in a statement: "We can now confirm that a 35-year-old man from Stirling and a 19-year-old man from Falkirk are the subject of a report to the local Procurator Fiscal in connection with an incident on-board the 21:33 Edinburgh Waverley to Perth service, at Linlithgow on Friday 9 December 2011."


At first, the 'Big Man' was hailed a 'hero' by many for tackling Mr Mains, while others criticised his heavy-handed response.



Student Sam Mains also faces prosecution after he was reported under section 38 of the Criminal Justice and Licensing Act Scotland, which covers threatening and abusive behaviour, and with trespass. He has yet to be formally charged.


Lets hope "big Man" goes for trial by jury and gets off.


I know a man who arrived homefrom work to see his wife being assaulted by a man twice her size right in front of her daughter.

He stopped the assault using the mimum force required but found himself arrested and charged whilst the original attacker walks away free as a bird.

The arrested man now risks losing his home for the heinous act of defending his wife, child and himself.

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I know a man who arrived homefrom work to see his wife being assaulted by a man twice her size right in front of her daughter.

He stopped the assault using the mimum force required but found himself arrested and charged whilst the original attacker walks away free as a bird.

The arrested man now risks losing his home for the heinous act of defending his wife, child and himself.


I have a friend who knows your friend and said he made it all up.


See what I did there?

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right so you have conceded that the conductor is not the law in a round about kind of way. Now we just need to ascertain how this youth was endangering the safety of other passengers with is language alone. Can you tell us all how bad languages is a safety hazard to other passengers?


It doesn't matter, what 'Grandad' concedes or not.

The 'law' is covered in the Conditions of Travel which also say that noone can overide them.

Neither does the youth need to endanger anyone to contravene those Conditions.

He abused staff. That is sufficient.

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It doesn't matter, what 'Grandad' concedes or not.

The 'law' is covered in the Conditions of Travel which also say that noone can overide them.

Neither does the youth need to endanger anyone to contravene those Conditions.

He abused staff. That is sufficient.


The best thing is I conceded nothing …… I said the conductor is there to administer the company rules so in effect that makes him the “law” on the train, secondly swearing and abusive language comes under “ behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace “ ........ but let Wex make his own assumptions and then suggest they are someone elses. :D

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