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10 reasons why i don't celebrate christmas

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10 reasons I am celebrating Christmas:


1. I enjoy watching my kids open presents and playing with toys

2. Getting together with family, some of whom I've not seen for ages

3. Good food and drink

4. Time off work and time to relax

5. I like all the lights, decorations and tree, and Christmas music, get into the festive spirit

6. Giving gifts

7. Receiving gifts

8. Parties

9. Carol services and kids nativity plays

10. Watching movies, playing games


I agree, however I don't have kids, don't sing carols and we don't do gifts and decorations.


You also forgot girls look hot in sexy santa lingerie :love:

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I used to really enjoy it because we had a large-ish family and Christmas day was always fun with a dozen of us round the table all shouting over each other.


Over the years family have died or moved and we're down to only four of us. I hate quiet Christmases. I like it when it's busy and noisy.

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I enjoy the being with family, eating, drinking and relaxing but wouldn't miss the presents. Oh I'm sure kids would... for a while, then they'd just learn to get all that crap they want throughout the year, based on good behaviour, not just "because it's Christmas".

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I like some parts of Christmas - the carol singing, the kids nativity plays, having a rest from work, eating and drinking, getting presents,


what I don't like are writing xmas cards out, worrying about what presents to get for everyone else, all the overtime i have to do at work prior to Christmas Day, putting the decorations up and taking them down again, all the hype and tacky decorations all over the place, and people who think that Christmas is all about getting drunk and nothing else.

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I don't believe in God/Jesus Christ or mindless greed and consumerism, however, I do enjoy a general traditional celebration about half way through winter, which shall be from hereon named Christmas. Whatever the original reasons for it are irrelevant. It gives us all something positive to look forward to around december. And I will continue celebrating the middle of winter purely for the sake of it. It is convenient to celebrate around the 25th of December because that is when my friends and family are celebrating too. If the person who wrote the article mentioned wants to stay at home to prove a point good for them!


It would be greatly improved if we all stop seeing it as an obligation to purchase crap for each other, however.

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I thought that was the standard approach, naughty-or-nice list and all that? :huh:


Kids know they'll never see that lump of coal because it's as empty a threat as when dad warns them "do that again and I'll ****ing bury you".


How dare you strike through my extraneous words.

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Kids know they'll never see that lump of coal because it's as empty a threat as when dad warns them "do that again and I'll ****ing bury you".
Are you posting about yours/your own experience?


My little girl knows she'll be down two presents from her list, and that the regime goes right up until 24th Dec bed time. And she will be too, (i) because I have not bought them, (ii) nor am I going to.


She's learning to be responsible and accountable for her own actions and behaviour. In terms understandable for her age: naughty x 1 = -1 present. Coal happens if and when we get to 0.

How dare you strike through my extraneous words.
Precisely because they are extraneous :D
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