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Lady Thatcher-State Funeral.

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You'll never convince spiteful left that they're wrong. The politics of envy stirs too many powerful emotions, and they're quite unable to see a clear world through the haze of political hatred they choose to live in.


Wow, profound and beautiful. Can SF Posts be nominated for the Pulitzer Prize? Of course, if you got one, I'd only begrudge it you, what with being a spiteful lefty seething with the resentment of the politics of envy etc..etc..:hihi:


BTW, did you read eastbank's post? Only your reply doesn't seem to match up to it in any coherent way.

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You'll never convince spiteful left that they're wrong. The politics of envy stirs too many powerful emotions, and they're quite unable to see a clear world through the haze of political hatred they choose to live in.


But as the original idea of a state funeral for Thatcher came from Gordon Brown doesn't that rather ruin your arguement, and that of most others for that matter?

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If only he were that generous of spirit. Gordon Brown was just playing politics with her funeral to appeal to the right of his party and the left of the others to create a wedge in them for his own benefit. The Scot had absolutely no interest in Thatchers send off arrangements.

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If only he were that generous of spirit. Gordon Brown was just playing politics with her funeral to appeal to the right of his party and the left of the others to create a wedge in them for his own benefit. The Scot had absolutely no interest in Thatchers send off arrangements.


You mean he doesn't have any genuine principals and merely pretends to for political expedience? No way!!!! Thank God Cameron, Osbourne and Clegg aren't like that!

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But as the original idea of a state funeral for Thatcher came from Gordon Brown doesn't that rather ruin your arguement, and that of most others for that matter?
Hardly, when you read through the bitter vitriol spewed by the left wingers on SF.


Rather like these examples:


She deserves a funeral. The sooner the better. . . .!

Oh.just drop her down a pit:D

Thatcher should not be afforded the same respect as proper people as she is an evil entity.

She can have a state funeral if (and only if) they shoot her coffin out of a cannon into the North Sea. Fireworks and free beer all round after that.

As Frankie Boyle said, the only debate we should be having about this is whether or not we should bury her before she dies. we could spend the money to buy everyone a shovel so we can dig a huge hole and personally hand her over to satan.

Damn right. And in a shallow grave ... so we can dig her up and re-kill it again regularly .... . . .

Ding dong the wicked witch is dead:hihi:

It's going to have to be a lead lined coffin three thousand feet down a dis-used mine shaft and a stake through the heart for good measure. If she was exorcised before death it would help, but I doubt anyone would be brave enough to try it.

perhaps a swamp would be a good resting place for the old fool


We really do have some nice folks on SF, don't we?

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Hardly, when you read through the bitter vitriol spewed by the left wingers on SF.


We really do have some nice folks on SF, don't we?


I know, folk like that deserve dictators like Kim Jong Il! Perhaps we could have an exchange program and welcome North Korean prisoners (those that dared to speak ill of il if one will excuse the pun) who might appreciate a good standard of western living built on the foundations of the like of Thatcher / Regan etc!

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I know, folk like that deserve dictators like Kim Jong Il! Perhaps we could have an exchange program and welcome North Korean prisoners (those that dared to speak ill of il if one will excuse the pun) who might appreciate a good standard of western living built on the foundations of the like of Thatcher / Regan etc!



:hihi: More like Economic RUIN! - the froth of the consumer boom of recent years

has disguised the damage she did to the UK economy. Not any more though, the chickens have finally come home.

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