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Lady Thatcher-State Funeral.

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It's wholly irrelevant what we think, isn't it,

Given that I doubt the authorities are looking at Sheffield Forum to make the decision for them you're right - it is irrelevant what we think.


When a well know Thatcher fan suggests she has a state funeral, it's not unreasonable for us to discuss it though.


esp. as she's still alive.

I'd imagine a state funeral takes a lot of organising so a bit of advance planning would be in order if you were going to have one.

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I suppose you could argue that Winston Churchill was the only British Prime Minister to be given a state funeral if you ignore the existence of The Duke of Wellington, Palmerston and Gladstone.


You seem to be trying to politicise this matter. Thatcher was clearly supported by enough of the population to be elected to office 3 times.

She was a very divisive figure. That's not me politicising - or are you claiming she was overwhelmingly popular? (She never received over 44% of the vote.)

She also led the country to victory in a war.

The Falklands war hardly was hardly of the same level as World War 2. It wasn't even officially referred to as a war at the time.


I would imaging when Tony Blair comes to his dotage folks will start proposing a state funeral for him.

I very much doubt that.

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While many people think that Thatcher is an icon, she DOES NOTand will NEVER enjoy the heroic status of Churchill.

So therefore if Thatcher gets a state funeral we will find that the president is set for all modern prime ministers to get one. And that means Major, Blair and Brown too.


We are already paying these characters £110k per year in retirement from shrinking public funds, I don't see why we should pay millions more for a state funeral for each of them.

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Best part of that Op-ed as to why Thatcher should not be given a state funeral...


"(they are) very rarely awarded because they have been designed for a category of great men and women who have come to represent the nation as a whole, rather than a particular sect or faction."




"It is nearly 50 years since Sir Winston Churchill died. When the boat containing his coffin passed through Docklands, London dockers lowered their cranes as a mark of respect. It was such a profoundly moving moment because these working men were saying that, while Churchill had been born an aristocrat, he was also one of them because he had led them in the war against fascism. I wonder how many of those dockers would have paid such a tribute to Margaret Thatcher."

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Just heard an article on Radio 4 News about a proposal that Lady Thatcher should be given a state funeral.What do people think ?

Lady Thatcher should have a state funeral, its a pity we don't someone of similar personality running the country today!

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It reminds of the story of the miners lad, who rescued her when her car went off the road into a canal

One of her aides told him could claim any reward he desired.

He opted for a State Funeral.

When asked why he wanted such an unusual thing, the lad replied


'Because when my Dad finds out who I have rescued, he will bloddy well kill me' :hihi:

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