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Lady Thatcher-State Funeral.

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Whether anyone thinks Thatcher saved the country from the overpowerful unions that brought the country to it's knees in the 70's or is an evil witch who destroyed the country's manufacturing industries in the 80's, there's no doubt that she was loved and hated in equal measure. That is why giving her a state funeral would be divisive.


The only prime minister to have been given a state funeral was Winston Churchill. What did Thatcher do that a significant majority of the population would think was similarly worthy of a state funeral?


Totally agree.

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Oh.just drop her down a pit:D


None left, they are all back filled and built over.

Same as the railways that the Tories destroyed.


The best thing would be a burial at sea, same as Bin Liner.

Then there would be no grave to be desecrated would there?

(Somewhere off The Falklands would be best, for she so loved those islands that hundreds of young men died for them, due her great love of them.)

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I would imaging when Tony Blair comes to his dotage folks will start proposing a state funeral for him.


Tony Blair having a State funeral would be even more wildly inappropriate. That prospect alone is a very good reason why we should not start a precedent of PM's having state funerals.

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There are a lot of low class slags on this thread. How would they like it if they were sitting in the living room and their kids discussing their funeral in the kitchen.


Thatcher should not be afforded the same respect as proper people as she is an evil entity.

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There are a lot of low class slags on this thread. How would they like it if they were sitting in the living room and their kids discussing their funeral in the kitchen.

I'm sure Carole and Mark have heard worse.


It is however a demonstration of how disliked she was by many people and of why it is not appropriate to give her a state funeral.

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The text is worth repeating


In keeping with the great lady's legacy, Margaret Thatcher's state funeral should be funded and managed by the private sector to offer the best value and choice for end users and other stakeholders. The undersigned believe that the legacy of the former PM deserves nothing less and that offering this unique opportunity is an ideal way to cut government expense and further prove the merits of liberalised economics Baroness Thatcher spearheaded.
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Tony Blair having a State funeral would be even more wildly inappropriate. That prospect alone is a very good reason why we should not start a precedent of PM's having state funerals.


It has happened before.Churchill,Wellington,Gladstone and, I think, Palmerston.

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You do realise that there were enough people that idolized her and did well in the 80's that asking for donations to fund her funeral would probably result in more being spent on her than the Tories could hope to allocate out of the public purse.

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