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Lady Thatcher-State Funeral.

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She deserves a state funeral (after the sad event of her death).



She had the balls to save the Falklands

She sorted the lefties



She bugged the crap out of the French


And...crushed communism; brought down the Berlin Wall; defeated the miners; restored family life and made us all patriotic. All by her very self.

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times have changed.....no longer do you nip next door to borrow a cup of sugar...

no longer do you hide behind the settee because the rent man is knocking on the door...

but they survived all that....the not knowing where the next pound was coming from...

then someone offered them the chance to buy into the system...and they grabbed it.....they gambled on owning something..rather than the old never-never...

and neither were they money grabbing fools.....


You might not, but lots of people still dodge the rent man. And don't open the letters from the bank which threaten repossession if they default on the mortgage.

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And...crushed communism; brought down the Berlin Wall; defeated the miners; restored family life and made us all patriotic. All by her very self.


discovered the Higgs Boson, eliminated desease, ended famine, stopped all war, made man have eternal life, the list is endless of that womans achievements.

That is why she is still alive, she is too good to die.

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times have changed.....no longer do you nip next door to borrow a cup of sugar...

no longer do you hide behind the settee because the rent man is knocking on the door...

but they survived all that....the not knowing where the next pound was coming from...then someone offered them the chance to buy into the system...and they grabbed it.....they gambled on owning something..rather than the old never-never...

and neither were they money grabbing fools.....


Actually, at that time we had full employment, no one had to hide from anyone, as everyone had a job.

Everyone knew that their money was sound and in their pocket.

They also knew that if they ran short of a something, they coud nip to next door and borrow something, such as a cup of sugar.


All this was destroyed by the woman who sold you your house on a council estate, so that she was rid of you, and wanted nothing more to do with you.

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discovered the Higgs Boson, eliminated desease, ended famine, stopped all war, made man have eternal life, the list is endless of that womans achievements.

That is why she is still alive, she is too good to die.



And gets me an errrection at the very mention of her name.

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Just heard an article on Radio 4 News about a proposal that Lady Thatcher should be given a state funeral.What do people think ?


Yes to a state funeral. If only to say thanks for ensuring we slapped the argies.


She got more right than wrong.


Imagine where we would be now if she had allowed the argies to get away with what they tried.

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Yes to a state funeral. If only to say thanks for ensuring we slapped the argies.


She got more right than wrong.


Imagine where we would be now if she had allowed the argies to get away with what they tried.


Imagine were we'd be if she hadn't cut the funding to things like the British Antarctic Survey and hadn't given the Argies the impression we weren't bothered about the Falklands.

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Really? Sure about that?


Yes and if she hadn't broken the workers and small businesses in this country and turned us into a third rate country where everybody is out for themselves we wouldn't have the lawlessness we have now

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