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Does anyone take Ramipril tablets ?

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I take 5 mg each day for high blood pressure. I seem to get itching on my back and under the soles of my feet. I wondered if this could be a side effect of the drug. I dare not come off them as my blood pressure would go up, but if it doesnt stop I will ask my GP, to take me off them, and try another drug for High blood pressure. Does anyone else take this drug, and have side effects ?

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I take 5 mg each day for high blood pressure. I seem to get itching on my back and under the soles of my feet. I wondered if this could be a side effect of the drug. I dare not come off them as my blood pressure would go up, but if it doesnt stop I will ask my GP, to take me off them, and try another drug for High blood pressure. Does anyone else take this drug, and have side effects ?


I take these but dont have the symptoms that you are having, have you read the data sheet as to what side effects you may get, just had a look in my packet but must have thrown the sheet away. Reading some of the side effects you can get with medication is quite an eye opener, I take some eye drops, side effect, can cause heart failure, very disturbing when you read the sheets..

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I've got the irritating cough thing - had it since I started taking it. I itch a bit, but then again I have thyroid problems too, and that's a side effect of that. I also have dry and sore eyes, which is a side effect of the medication ....I'm falling apart!! Hope you get it sorted - it's not major, is it, but it's bloomin' irritating.

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I take 5 mg each day for high blood pressure. I seem to get itching on my back and under the soles of my feet. I wondered if this could be a side effect of the drug. I dare not come off them as my blood pressure would go up, but if it doesnt stop I will ask my GP, to take me off them, and try another drug for High blood pressure. Does anyone else take this drug, and have side effects ?


I take 10mg a day and sometimes having to take them makes my blood boil, what with simvastatin, ernteric aspirin, anlodipine, paracetomol I can afford to miss a meal.:D

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I take 5 mg each day for high blood pressure. I seem to get itching on my back and under the soles of my feet. I wondered if this could be a side effect of the drug. I dare not come off them as my blood pressure would go up, but if it doesnt stop I will ask my GP, to take me off them, and try another drug for High blood pressure. Does anyone else take this drug, and have side effects ?



Yes for the last 10 years or so. Ask your quack to put you on a different tablet, I believe there are several different brands.



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