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Does anyone take Ramipril tablets ?

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I stopped taking it, tiredness and fatigue mainly, felt like a hangover


The hangover effect was probably......... a hangover :)


I hope you went back for an alternative. When I started taking them a few years ago, at first I would be a bit hit and miss with them, constantly forgetting to take them. The doc read me the riot act, saying hit and miss would likely bring on a stroke. I've never forgot since, with no ill effects as far as I know.

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if you take ramipril and they make you itch, get your doc to check your renal function and your liver function if they havent done so in the last 12 months. the ramipril can affect your kidney function, and if your liver function isnt brilliant (most peoples liver function isnt 100% due to modern diet, drinking, drugs etc, its not a problem for 99.9999% of population) then some of the stuff thats filtered out by your liver and kidneys can be left in the system and cause itchy skin. best way to solve that problem is to eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. you should find that helps :love:

worked for me ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

When you first go in Ramipril or have the dose increased you have to have blood tests to check that liver/ kidney function isn't affected ( well I did). Having an under active thyroid can cause itching too.


Edit: oh, I mentioned thyroids on page 1. Perhaps all these things cause memory problems too!

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I've got the irritating cough thing - had it since I started taking it. I itch a bit, but then again I have thyroid problems too, and that's a side effect of that. I also have dry and sore eyes, which is a side effect of the medication ....I'm falling apart!! Hope you get it sorted - it's not major, is it, but it's bloomin' irritating.


This sounds like me - I also have thyroid problems

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