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How far shoulld we go yo catch the litter louts / fly tippers ?

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Or maybe you should stop blaming the council for other people's selfish anti-social behaviour. Make it difficult for people to get rid of stuff? They call round at people's bloody doors and collect it.


I totally blame the council for the explosion in fly tipping ,as they are the ones who have STOPPED large vans from using the dump it sites. :loopy::loopy:


NO ban on large vans using the tips = NO fly tipping . Simples.


Sadly the council are too thick to work that out.


Yes ,you can phone and get the council to come and collect ,say ,an old fridge from your house ,but they CHARGE you to do it . Why should someone who drives a van have to pay to dispose of something that a person with a car can dispose of for free at a dump it site. :loopy:

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I get very upset seeing waste all over the country lanes, mattresses, chests of draws, plaster board with builders waste and nails etc it is so sad to think some individuals have so little respect for everyone else around.

I have often considered the logistics of putting cctv at each end of the road I use which gets abused so regularly, cue for wire thefts :(

Recently I was on a single track road behind a fire engine whos crew were deliberately setting waste on fire in a controlled way presumably as this is a cheaper/quicker way of dealing with the waste. Is this common practice?

Zero tolerance to this selfishness I say!

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Or maybe you should stop blaming the council for other people's selfish anti-social behaviour. Make it difficult for people to get rid of stuff? They call round at people's bloody doors and collect it.
While I fully agree that fly tippers are selfish morally bankrupt low lives who should be banged up, the councils do make it hard for people to get rid of their rubbish.
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I totally blame the council for the explosion in fly tipping ,as they are the ones who have STOPPED large vans from using the dump it sites. :loopy::loopy:


NO ban on large vans using the tips = NO fly tipping . Simples.


Sadly the council are too thick to work that out.


Yes ,you can phone and get the council to come and collect ,say ,an old fridge from your house ,but they CHARGE you to do it . Why should someone who drives a van have to pay to dispose of something that a person with a car can dispose of for free at a dump it site. :loopy:


You`re talking rubbish (literally) of course.

Not only is there absolutely no excuse for scum bag fly tippers, but, in case it`d escaped your notice, people drop litter and so forth even when there are litter bins around. Furthermore, much of the fly tipped stuff I see would fit in a wheelie bin anyway.

Quite apart from anything else, are you suggesting the council should accept possibly unlimited amounts of trade waste for free ? i.e. we as tax payers are paying traders to dump their waste ?

Get a grip man.

And Clarkson, as proved by his "shoot them in front of their families" is a sick git, who is disliked by far more people than like him. If you really want to be like him you want to take a good long look at yourself.

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While I fully agree that fly tippers are selfish morally bankrupt low lives who should be banged up, the councils do make it hard for people to get rid of their rubbish.


I do actually agree with you, up to a point anyway. I certainly don`t think they should be restricting the opening hours of dump it sites, that`s a false economy of the first order.

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Thus he/she could be caught if the authorities were prepared to put the effort in.

The question is, should they ?

One of society's main problems at the moment is that they expect the authorities to sort everything out for them.

I think that the problem there would lie with 'Proof'. As far that just because a discarded bag of rubbish may contain personal details, it dosent necessarily provide 'proof' that the person in question was the person who dumped it.

The problem is that to successfully prosecute, the authorities have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty.

If you, as landowner or other suitably responsible person, was to take a civil action against the perpetrator for the cost of the cleanup, then you'd only have to prove the balance of probabilities.

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In a previous employment of mine I built cctv cameras into a fridge and a tumble drier for Barnsley council these had recording equipment built in and were to be left in known fly tipping locations, I don't know if they were ever used or lead to any convictions but it's one way forward.

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Quite apart from anything else, are you suggesting the council should accept possibly unlimited amounts of trade waste for free ? i.e. we as tax payers are paying traders to dump their waste ?


Where did i mention trade waste :huh:


But while we are on the subject of tax payers , arnt traders also tax payers who contribute towards the dump it sites through their council tax ?..............Yes they are ,but are NOT allowed to use a facility they are contributing towards the same as every other tax payer is.

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  • 10 months later...

I went for a walk today from Goldthorpe to Conisborough, partly along the disused railway, and I have to say I was shocked, nay, stunned, by the amount of litter dumped there. In fact under the bridges, one in particular at Goldthorpe, it was more like a landfill site than anything else. Obviously the people dumping this stuff are absolute scumbags* but I`m certain that a contributory factor is the landfill tax which makes it so expensive to hire a skip. It was introduced by Ken Clarke/John Gummer in 1996 and I actually agree with it, but I really do think they should have ensured that a certain percentage of all the income raised by the tax went into a central anti fly tipping task force, not only to help clear up the mess but catch the gits who dump it.



* At least they`re consistent, you should have seen the state of some of the gardens of the houses next to said littering.....

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I really do think they should have ensured that a certain percentage of all the income raised by the tax went into a central anti fly tipping task force, not only to help clear up the mess but catch the gits who dump it.

We could set up such a task force and apply for funding from the Landfill Tax Credits.

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