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Non-Christians, Do You Feel Excluded at Xmas?

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In what way, shape or form does Christmas have anything to do with Christ?His legacy lives on only the name.

It should be called Capitalmas, as that it what it is a celebration of .

You may forget small matters like children's nativity plays, morning service at CofE churches, midnight mass at Catholic churches, and little reminders like angels on the Christmas tree, not forgetting nativity scenes and angels on many of the cards we exchange.


But no, you can of course choose to pretend you don't see any of that, and just turn it into a political issue. :rolleyes:

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nobody holds a gun to anyones head saying you need to go out and buy pointless tat. your scepticism of xmas is most likely bought on by yourselves and the life you lead.
Exactly. It's only over-commercialised if you let it be. All it needs be is time to see family and friends, some nice foods, a few Christmas decorations and cards, and some presents. And, of course, time off work with feet up.

Hardly being manipulated by the 'vile capitalist system'.


And in answer to the OP, no, I'm with Uncle Pat on this. Like him I'm atheist to the point that I find religious belief to be pathetic, but I enjoy the quaint tradition of religion in our society and the warmth and positive aspects of the culture around it that have made our Christmas celebrations what they are.

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You might as well ask do non pagans feel excluded by the winter solstice?


So many things associated with xmas have nothing to do with christianity - yule logs, etc. Even if you accept that the birth was on 25th of December rather than any of the other argued dates (see here), the 11 days lost with the switch to the Gregorian calendar in 1752 means it shouldn't be that date now.


The fact is that having a party in the middle of the winter to cheer everyone up is a fundamentally attractive idea. That's why it was so popular pre-christianity, that's why the birth of christ is celebrated so suspiciously close to the winter solstice and that is why, if any other religion, or none, becomes dominant in this country they will have to come up with an excuse to allow a similar mid winter party.

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You may forget small matters like children's nativity plays, morning service at CofE churches, midnight mass at Catholic churches, and little reminders like angels on the Christmas tree, not forgetting nativity scenes and angels on many of the cards we exchange.


But no, you can of course choose to pretend you don't see any of that, and just turn it into a political issue. :rolleyes:


Yes of course you are right.

10's of millions will be at church in England on Christmas Day. As they always are.

I was in Tesco's today, and it was nearly empty, except for about 2000 people.

Dont forget Christmas Day is a Holy Day of Obligation.

I expect you to make a good and full confession on Christmas Eve, then abstain until Christmas morning, when you take Communion.

As I do every year.

If you think the drunken rabble at St Maries midnight Mass represent religion, you are sadly mistaken.

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