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Non-Christians, Do You Feel Excluded at Xmas?

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I think most people who celebrate 'Christmas' aren't 'Christians.


You could be pedantic about it, but the fact of the matter is, there are millions of people in the UK who celebrate a festival on the 25th of December by giving and receiving presents and meeting family, and call it Christmas.


There doesn't have to be a religious element about it for that person.


It's just the natural evolution of the festivals meaning.


There are countless examples of things which, have the same name as many years ago but, mean totally different things now to different people.


People seem to boast that they don't celebrate Christmas like it's something to be proud of, well congratulations...you don't do Christmas...here's a medal.


"Oh I don't celebrate Christmas because I'm not a Christian"


...don't be a ****

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Pat's latest rant. :hihi:


He's right though. Lets leave Christmas alone. It IS part of our heritage..



Exclede is the way intellectuals, like what I am, say Exclude..:hihi::suspect:


I love Christmas; I have even been to a carol service in a church, and even though the vicar and many in the congregation know I am an atheist, I always feel welcome.

Then there’s the fact that without Christmas all my socks would have worn out long ago.:D

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Exactly. It's only over-commercialised if you let it be. All it needs be is time to see family and friends, some nice foods, a few Christmas decorations and cards, and some presents. And, of course, time off work with feet up.

Hardly being manipulated by the 'vile capitalist system'.


If I want to spend time with family and friends or buy my loved ones a present I will do so regardless of the time of year. I don't need to be told that I must do it in late December.


Lots of people use this time of year to get together with family and then ignore them for the rest of the year, they are utter hipocrites. They are the same people with the stressed looks on their faces wandering Meadowhall and the City Centre right now searching to spend money they have not got on a gift for somebody they don't particularly like. All because society drills it into them that that is what they must do.


When you are enjoying your Christmas day together with loved ones, ask yourself if the incredible stress you put yourselves under these past few weeks was really worth it.

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If I want to spend time with family and friends or buy my loved ones a present I will do so regardless of the time of year. I don't need to be told that I must do it in late December.


That's pretty much how I feel about New Year's Eve - the forcedness of it makes it lame to me.

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I love Christmas, I celebrate the date of the birth of a great man who changed the world forever for the better... Isaac Newton. :P


I celebrate the birth of Phil Spector, who changed the world (with the exception of Lana Clarkson and family) of Xmas music forever for the better.


I also drink to remember Eartha Kitt, singer on the best Xmas song ever, who died on Xmas day in 2008.



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If I want to spend time with family and friends or buy my loved ones a present I will do so regardless of the time of year. I don't need to be told that I must do it in late December.


It's not being told that you have to though, it's the fact that we are all free to do so at the same time. It's a shared occasion.


Give everybody the same week off in June, and there would be lots of family & friends time as well, just as there is at Easter as well as Xmas.


My parents speak very fondly of the factory shutdown fortnight, when everybody was on holiday at the same time. It's amazing how jolly people can get when they share escape from the daily grind simultaneously. In fact some of the stories they have told me about that time are pretty embarrassing to hear about, but they certainly enjoyed themselves.

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