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Away from your children at christmas?

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No 'of course it wasn't' someone's decision, it was never mentioned, we just didn't do it, it wasn't important to us as a family! You find that difficult to understand, perhaps I am much older than you and we didn't worry about such things in those days:)

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I took my 2 teenagers their pressies today.

They both stood there on the door step, thanked me for the bags of pressies.

Wished me a happy xmas, we had a little chat, then I left.

They're limited to what they can say, cos their mother was stood the other side of the door.

We can't all make some decisions, others may get in our way :-(



Happy christmas to all. I'm trying to be positive :)

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I feel quite sad for any parents or even grandparents who won't be with their children today. I m quite lucky the arrangement I have with my daughters dad is that she spends Xmas eve with me then he picks her up teatime & has her until the 28th. So she gets to spend Christmas day with both of us & both sets of grandparents

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I took my 2 teenagers their pressies today.


Have they attempted to contact me today. Answer NO !


Spiteful mother bringing up, 'brain drained', 'ignorant of their father', kids.

They were happy to take from me, but can't be arissed to say,


Thank you Dad ;-)

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Aww TaxiBaz, thats awful :-( It must be so hard with kids at that age, only getting one side of the story etc...cant say much apart from stick at it...they will get it eventually :-)


I did, and Im closer to my Dad now after being fed a line from my mother who then went and moved away so i dont see her anymore...

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My ex and I have got a 50/50 custody arrangement and this has been the first Christmas Day since the split that fell on one of "my" days so its been quite exiting. However, its not been too bad in previous years because I just change Christmas Day to the day the kids arrive and hey presto Christmas with the kids!

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I split up with my husband 5 nearly 6 years ago, i had no where to go, lived on ppls sofa's till i rented privately, my ex as used everything poss to turn my children against me, and it has destroyed me, they darn't leave their father, as he has used every excuse in the book, even down to the point i will kill my self if u go to your mother, he in the last year as told everyone i live in a hostel, and am a drug taker heavy drugs and that i have to prostitute my self to buy these, he as destroyed me, they dare not see me, as he has threatened his life on many occations, he said if i didn't want him, he would do his best to destroy my relationship with my children, he succeeded, and destroyed everything i love ... they don't talk to me at all, and haven't spoken to them in 3 years as they say if he finds out, he wont have anything to do with them, and i don't want to take them away from him, as they do love him but what about me, i haven't found a reason to be here any more, except that one day i will see them, and by not being here wont help me do that, so i live each day wondering, hoping xxxx

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