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Spate of attacks on churches in nigeria

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Islamic terrorism is people who carry out terror in the name of Islam when in fact it is their own warped interpretation of Islam that makes them do this.


And they would simply argue that it is your own warped interpretation of Islam that makes you think they are wrong to do it.


Who made you the arbiter of what the correct flavour of Islam is?

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I'm using my mobile at the moment so I could havve easily missed a line or two but I didn't notice any posts where anyone justified the bombings.

My own post was very clear.


As for Indonesia, I live here so have a pretty good idea of what's happening on the ground.

I live with what you have to google so can assure posters, that poll is about as true as the EDL's very own Toomy R being beaten up by Asians. (Thread coming).

All the hotels lost all their business overnight. All the shops catering to tourists lost everything.

There was no support at all and a lot of angry people.



you live there in your own little bubble


all hotels did'nt close over night .even in bali it was only 40% to 50%


as for angry people ,I was in lombok after 9/11 where I saw a lot of stalls in tourist districts I might add ,selling bin laden t shirts and the twin smoking tower t shirts to...not many angry people there:D


you would'nt even make an half decent journilist for Jemaah islamiyah:hihi:

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Are you serious?


The poster I replied to says 1 in 4 muslims sympaphised with the 7/7 attacks according to a poll, the point I was making is it wasn't a nation wide poll as I wasn't asked therefore the posters insinuation that 1 in 4 muslims without stating the number of participants was misleading which was the intention anyway.

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And they would simply argue that it is your own warped interpretation of Islam that makes you think they are wrong to do it.


Who made you the arbiter of what the correct flavour of Islam is?


In that case I think the world would prefer my warped interpretation of Islam. :roll:

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I just read the bit about the Indonesian poll.

Random 1,092 Muslims. Crap. I could "randomly" select 1,100 people and get 100% support or 100% against depending where I randomly went.


What justification do you have for implying that the polling organisation is lying about it's sampling methods? Other than the fact that you don't like the results, of course.


Before you answer it is worth noting that the organisation which actually conducted the poll (the Idonesian Survey Institute) does not appear to be at all anti-Muslim, and do not appear to have any motive to try and make Muslims look bad. In fact, they seem pretty respectable. An independent non partisan non profit polling organisation set up with a mind to aiding Indonesia's transition to democracy. They even have a link to an organisation of moderate Muslims dedicated to spreading 'liberal Islam' in the 'network' section of their frontpage.

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The poster I replied to says 1 in 4 muslims sympaphised with the 7/7 attacks according to a poll, the point I was making is it wasn't a nation wide poll as I wasn't asked therefore the posters insinuation that 1 in 4 muslims without stating the number of participants was misleading

Right, so you were serious. :hihi: How cute!


What you have described is not misleading, they do not need to ask everyone in order to get meaningful results.


Sure, the more people you ask, the more accurate the results are, but it's not like they're quoting it to 9 significant figures, they only said 1 in 4.


Do you really not understand how polls work?

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What justification do you have for implying that the polling organisation is lying about it's sampling methods? Other than the fact that you don't like the results, of course.


Before you answer it is worth noting that the organisation which actually conducted the poll (the Idonesian Survey Institute) does not appear to be at all anti-Muslim, and do not appear to have any motive to try and make Muslims look bad. In fact, they seem pretty respectable. An independent non partisan non profit polling organisation set up with a mind to aiding Indonesia's transition to democracy. They even have a link to an organisation of moderate Muslims dedicated to spreading 'liberal Islam' in the 'network' section of their frontpage.


I didn't say they lied.

I said the poll was too small and could easily be corrupted by asking the wrong question or sampling a non random group.

Add it's way out of date and off you go.

Look at the total population of Indonesia, consider 84% are Muslim and tell me a poll of 1,100 people is valid an any way.

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