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Are we going to get an influx of bad weather ?

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This has been a strange old year weather wise, surely the snow is going to come or is all this climate change really starting to take a hold on things, by the way I'm not that clued up about this it's just a general question as it didn't feel like Christmas day atall today with the weather.

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It is quite mild for the time of year. I got 14oC on the weather station yesterday at around 2pm but that is only slightly warmer than usual. The last 2 years winters have been unusually cold for UK averages. Our usual winters are a bit chilly with occasional frosts, wet and windy. Deep snow, Sheet Ice and burst pipes are thankfully pretty rare.

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A warmer atmosphere holds more moisture and creates higher winds. Record high temperatures have been twice as numerous as record lows in recent years.


Global warming? Well, what do you think?


I think we need to give it a few more years before we can come to a conclusion.

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I thought the bad weather of last year was due to climate change more than this years mild weather. Ice caps melt, cold water moves south and slows down the conveyer belt effect of warm water coming from the Caribbean sort of area, leaving us more prone to harsh winters.


Just a thought.

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