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Monks fighting with sweeping brushes in Bethlehem

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Strangley enough our local area is no stranger to this type of brush based martial art and several areas ofSheffield bear witness to this ancient practice.Broomgrove was originally,in ancient times,a wooded area where conflicts of this type took place.Broomhall was a rudimentary building where the weapons were stored and Broomcroft a farm or small holding where the timber and rushes for the brooms was grown.Moving further towards the present day the brushes became more developed and an arms race ensued.The protagonists attempted to keep out of range of each others weapons and various devices were developed to project the brooms at each other from long range.One of the more successful methods for achieving this was to fire the brushes using metal springs engineered in Sheffields embryonic steel working industries.Hence the name Broom Spring Lane.

Or so a bloke in a pub told me.

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Shanes teeth - that's a bit of a sweeping statement you made there mate. One or two spelling mistakes, you need to brush up on your use of a spellchecker.


No offence meant, so no need to get the monk on.


I thought there might besom.But I did use the forum spellchecker.Perhaps it needs scrubbing up.

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