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If you could impose one rule to the forum.

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Stop deleting entire topics without explanation. Lock it explains the reason and then delete it when the members currently debating knows why it has been stopped.


You beat me to it.


What he said.


Too many threads seem to get the nacht und nabel treatment for no obvious reason.


I'd add that it would be reasonable for the mod who made the decision to make the reason for locking notes so users can make an informed decision as to whether certain patterns emerge and we can all see how moderating decisions are taken in a transparent way and thus if as a corpus we are transgressing ammend our behaviour in such a manner as to let some areas of debate be discussed which do seem at the moment to be verboten.

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Stop deleting entire topics without explanation. Lock it explains the reason and then delete it when the members currently debating knows why it has been stopped.


Aye, spot on. There is nothing worse than reading 5 or 6 pages of bumf while creating a smart answer in your head, then find out the bloody post has been "locked" at the end,


Yes I know it's locked on the first page as well.



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Aye, spot on. There is nothing worse than reading 5 or 6 pages of bumf while creating a smart answer in your head, then find out the bloody post has been "locked" at the end,


Yes I know it's locked on the first page as well.




It’s even worse when you have typed out your response and you get a message telling you that you don't have permission to view this topic.

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You beat me to it.


What he said.


Too many threads seem to get the nacht und nabel treatment for no obvious reason.


I'd add that it would be reasonable for the mod who made the decision to make the reason for locking notes so users can make an informed decision as to whether certain patterns emerge and we can all see how moderating decisions are taken in a transparent way and thus if as a corpus we are transgressing ammend our behaviour in such a manner as to let some areas of debate be discussed which do seem at the moment to be verboten.


Its collective punishment, a bit like when the teacher punished the entire class for the actions of the minority instead of just punishing the minority, a very lazy way to punish people.

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If you had the chance to add one rule (not remove any rules) to the forum what would it be?

Tempting as it would be to ban certain topics I think I would get rid of all text speak.

I don't mean typo's or genuine spelling mistakes but the lazy way a few people write things out, like they are chatting on facebook, and there would be a penalty for using this lazy language too! Anyone caught would have a three day ban and be forced to read War and Peace in Latin, maybe not in Latin but some language they aren't fluent in. :(


Text speak isn't allowed anyway.


And I don't know about you, but I always write in full UK English when I'm on Facebook anyway, you not u, you're not your etc etc.

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I'd close any post that hasn't been commented on for 12 months. There are too many people replying to questions from years ago. The other day someone asked someone else if her thrush had cleared up without realising it was 15 months ago. I only hope it has. Someone else asked if a road was now open after a reported crash which had taken place 2 or 3 years earlier. I know people should check the dates but they don't seem to.

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Text speak isn't allowed anyway.


And I don't know about you, but I always write in full UK English when I'm on Facebook anyway, you not u, you're not your etc etc.


To be honest I avoid Facebook, maybe it's just my circle of friends/ acquaintances, the kind of thing it's used for bores me to death. I can find lot's of trivialities to pass my time without someone updating their status to tell me what sandwich they had and what they wished they had had and at what time they will be having their first vodka.

Even though text speak isn't allowed in excess some of it sneaks in and my personal bug bear is trying to work out what's trying to be said, as your example shows, it's so much easier to read when people write it out. Maybe that is what it's designed for, a sort of code, I certainly can't read most of my kid's text messages :confused:

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