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Regrets. I have mine.

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Regrets I've had a few

But then again too few to mention

I did what I had to do

And saw it through without exception

but most of all

much more than this

I did it my waaaaaaay


Paul Anka regrets being pressured into letting Frank Sinatra record 'My Way', but having said that, who wants a horses head in their bed? :o

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If I am reading your original post correctly, then condolences on your loss :(


My regrets are all to do with things left too late, left unsaid etc, and now it is too late because the person I would have done them with, or said them to, is dead. Still I don't have so many regrets, most of the things I have done in my life I would do again - but perhaps with more money next time :)

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Lol....I hadn't thought about that despite the fact that my maternal grandmother had a Feb 29th birthday


My friend was born on Feb 29th, to celebrate her 40th year, she had a 10th birthday party, with jelly and icecream, party games, pin the tail on the donkey, pinyata etc, it was cool :)

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I regret the friends I made in the past!! Wish I had been a bit more wiser when using the word "friend".


I don't do many regrets though I call them life's lessons. You learn's from them you move on and you don't repeat it.


I regret not settling down at school working harder.

Oh and the alcohol I drank last night, I regretted this morning :( . But that's one long life lesson the drink, cos I am sure that one will be repeated new yr lol

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I do not regret much of what other people regret, but then my circumstances are different. We do not know how the things that we regret would have turned out anyhow. If I had got down on bended knee in the front garden and asked a lady to marry me, for example, how do I know that a slate would not have blown of the roof and embedded itself in my head? I would have regretted that.

It is silly regretting anything as you do not know how things would have turned out had you followed a different course.

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