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Why have we evolved to have a dominant arm?


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I think left and right knife and fork use is not so much related to left/right handed. I think that is learned rather than natural (based on what I've observed in general, rather than something I can back up with links).


Where I think the left/right dominant becomes more apparent is with less noticeable cutlery use, - spoon for example. You're LH, which would you use for spoon and soup etc?

As a child, a dinner lady always made me swap my knife and fork to ‘eat the right way’ as she put it. I have always used my knife and fork that way ever since. However, she never objected to me using a spoon with my left hand.

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Im ambidextrous I don't favor ether hand my writing is neater with my left than my right I can shave or clean my teeth with ether hand,playing darts I can throw as accurate with both hands but I do find it is a right handed world every thing is made for right handed people my missus goes mad with me when I put things away especially when I put the kettle back on the stand the wrong way round my son is left handed and my daughter is right handed.

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Interesting topic. I'm sort of ambidextrous but not really ...

I'm a total leftie when it comes to writing, throwing, table-tennis, squash, tennis, bowling, sawing ..

But a total rightie when it comes to golf, batting in cricket, eating, picking up dog-poo (strangely, not linked in any way) ...

But ambi when it comes to kicking a ball, batting at rounders (party trick to wait until the field is set then change club-hand!)

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I think left and right knife and fork use is not so much related to left/right handed. I think that is learned rather than natural


I've just said (almost) the same to the GF.


I use cutlery as a left handed person would, hold a guitar as a left handed person would, use my mobile with my left hand, yet am quite capable of typing quickly using both hands. Use of the mouse is a different kettle of fish, in that I only feel comfortable with it in my right hand.

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Does anyone have an answer to this question? Surely having both arms equally able would give an evolutionary advantage and so be selected for. So why have we evolved to be right or left handed when it would be far more useful to be fully ambidextrous?


At some point you made a decision to use something more so it became better trained. You could change this. I think there is an episode of House where he states he can pick up and throw things equally well using each and every orifice.


Let's just hope no-one here requires an amputation this year otherwise you may be finding out just how adaptable you really are!

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The way I look at it is the world seems to be for right handed people so the right handed people don't have to use the left hand much, but if you are left handed you have to use you right hand more in everyday tasks the grips on most tools are on the right hand side tin openers are for right handed people, when I was in the army they would show you how to do things like tying things and fixing things as a right handed person would I found tying knots hard to follow they would say right over left or left over right that used confuse me a lot when I did boxing I would box as a southpor but playing cricket would play as a right handed person when bating but bowl with my left hand.

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One theory is that it is because the left side of the brain is used for language, so hand signals which came before language tended to be done with the right hand.


Well that would be a nonsensical theory then as I think it's pretty well documented that the left side of the brain controls the right hand side of the body and visa versa.



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