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Being a parent: The hardest job


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I adore being a mum the highs and the lows, the laughter and the tears, the pain and the parts that make me smile, the pride of being a mum and proud of being a mum.


And how every time my kids smile my heart grows bigger and I love them more and more.

I live to make my kids happy and smile and that is all that will ever matter to me.

Is that they are happy, and settled in a good routine and have a stable life with all the love in the world.


Yes it is hard it would be no fun if it was easy.

I love the new challenges that come with my 3 everyday, I wouldn't change a thing.

I wouldn't have any more kids either, I can afford for my kids to have what they need.

And for them to live comfortable enough for me to provide what I need.


I felt it would be selfish to take that away from them and have another child would be wrong. So although only 28 and due to a underlying health problem I am having my tubes tied. I am happy with what I have and what I have is my world :)


I once had a friend that used to always say she was selfish. And she didn't know why she had kids cos she rather buy herself designer gear. Then take them abroad or by them great things.


I used to hate hearing her say that , I think people should think before having kids.

It isn't easy and it can be hard but it is rewarding if your grown up enough to handle the responsibility.


She would never go town with both kids on a bus or anything.

At 18 I had a 3 yr old and new born and my partner worked 12 hour shifts.

I had to do nursery run, food shop, pay bills ,catch a bus and everything on my own.

I did it cos that's what mum's do, cos I wanted the best for my kids.


If anyone says being a mum is easy they are lying but my kids come first. ps if anyone ever hurt my kids oh boy, they better run lol

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