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Why do Muslims/Hindus/Sikhs celebrate christmas

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I thought he (Harold) was busy defending the south coast of England against the Norman invasion about 1000 years later. Could this be evidence for time travel?


Careful wi that bow an arrow H.......thar'll have somebodies eye out:hihi::hihi:......courtesy of Ken Dodd.

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Hi, if you have read the stories in the Bible , the Book says Jesus Birth was Kept a Secret as king "harold" was killing all the new borns!


december date was a roman pagan holiday date which was then integrated into the new religion . which was of coarse used by the roman and then the church to control people


hence why for many many years it was ILLEGAL to have the Bible translated into English!


So the poor old ostrich died for nothing then.

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I don't want to cause any offence,

Of course not. :rolleyes:



but I just cannot understand why he celebrates it.

How is it possible to avoid it?


It starts about September and grinds remorselessly on whether you want it to or not.


Stop making Christmas compulsory and your Sikh colleague might actually have a choice.



They don't believe in Jesus, and really it's not part of the cultural

Who are "they"?


The Hindu saint Ishu may seem a tad familiar to you:


I've an Indian friend who, when he was seven ,moved with his family from India to England, where he was enrolled at a new school. On his first day he was asked to speak to the class about a saint from his Hindu tradition.


Enthusiastically he began to tell the story of the saint called Ishu, who was born in a cowshed, was visited by three holy men, performed many amazing miracles, walked on water and spoke a wonderful sermon on a mountain.


Of course, he was telling the story of Christ. But he was bewildered to hear that the teacher laid claim to Ishu for herself and her friends and she let him know that this was her Lord and her story, not his. He was very upset about this, because Ishu's tale was his favourite story.



In Islam, Jesus is named as Isa (Arabic: عيسى‎ ʿĪsā) is considered to be a Messenger of God and the Masih (Messiah) who was sent to guide the Children of Israel (banī isrā'īl) with a new scripture, the Injīl or Gospel.


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I was in kuala lumpur a couple of years back father christmass's everywhere in the shopping centres .more chrissie decorations on the streets in the cbd than I"ve seen in some western countrys..


I met one red faced fat ******* from leeds who reckoned he'd made $45,ooo the previous year playing father christmas at various shopping malls and partys in K>L..

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