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Why do Muslims/Hindus/Sikhs celebrate christmas

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I'm not a christian but I celebrate Christmas. It has nothing to do with a belief in a pagen festival or celebrating the birth of some middle eastern bloke that some people think is the son of God. It's about celebrating the year and getting together with friends and family.


I don't think any aspects of Christmas that I celebrate are linked to Chritianity and the whole modern take on Christmas is pretty new anyway, we have more to thank Charles Dickins for than Jesus when it comes to how we celebrate these days.

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few people celebrate the religious aspects of Christmas - of those who are white, anglo saxon and at least nominally christian in my circle of friends and acquaintances I'd say it's about 5%


i would suggest those of other faiths and beliefs are perfectly happy and willing to partake in the non-religious aspects of Christmas and I can't see why their religions would frown on them doing so

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I'm not a christian but I celebrate Christmas. It has nothing to do with a belief in a pagen festival or celebrating the birth of some middle eastern bloke that some people think is the son of God. It's about celebrating the year and getting together with friends and family.


I don't think any aspects of Christmas that I celebrate are linked to Chritianity and the whole modern take on Christmas is pretty new anyway, we have more to thank Charles Dickins for than Jesus when it comes to how we celebrate these days.


on a similer note ive been thinking about times past and how they celebrated christmas, things must have been really really different before the aspects we know and love were created.


ie:- been reading an article in the big issue about christmas and it says stuff like

santa was "invented" in 1931

rudolph was created in 1936

even the nativity was only brought up fully in 1223 cos st francis of assissi was fed up of the gluttony of christmas


so i wonder what christmas wouldve looked like back through history before these icons we know today

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so i wonder what christmas wouldve looked like back through history before these icons we know today


People gorging on fat hen, oysters and turnips before getting drunk on nettle beer and falling asleep in front of the hearth.


Then up bright and early for the sales at Old Ma' Bostwick's dirty rag and wooden bowl emporium.

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The birth of Santa is an occasion to be celebrated by religious and non-religious types together.


damn straight!! :thumbsup:


We had an Orphans Christmas in London and our Christmas Turkey was actually a halal chicken. lol. Awesome Christmas that anyone could come and celebrate.

I don't think there was a christian in the house at all.

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Ok, so I am back at work.


All I have heard this morning is what a wonderful Christmas my fella worker has had. He is Sikh.


I don't want to cause any offence, but I just cannot understand why he celebrates it. They don't believe in Jesus, and really it's not part of the cultural.


Any Sikhs, Hindus or Muslims on here celebrate it, and care to open my mind as to why you celebrate it?


I am sure their god wounldn't like them to do so. :huh:



I would join in any religious festivals celebrated in any foreign country I lived in or any country in which the primary religion differed from my own (say I was actually born there etc) in the interests of respect, getting into the spirit of what is widely celebrated where I lived, when in rome n all that! This argument is only valid from someone who's primary reasons for celebrating Christmas are religious. This accounts for very few people. I'm just glad the religious aspect of it has more relevance personally. No devout christian but would rather go to church on x-mass eve than meadowhell on boxing day!

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