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Why do Muslims/Hindus/Sikhs celebrate christmas

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Any good food going with that one?


Fantastic sausages and magnificent beer (did you know that beer is classed as food here = no VAT) are standard. I'm in mostly protestant Hamburg where it isn't really celebrated but there will be a parade down the Reeperbahn.


If you really want to join in: Düsseldorf, Cologne or Mainz go absolutely nuts. Everything from traditional oompaa music to drug fuelled techno.

Most important part: Intense drinking But just try to order a beer in English and the entire pub will fall in love with you. Guess what... Your entire evening out costed £2.50 and you will never be this drunk again.

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Sikhs believe in gurus..


My gawd, They believe in gurus.

So do I and so do most British people.


Guru is simply "teacher" but in a foreign language.

Hang on, several foreign languages and it has worked its way into English as well.


Perhaps you would do well to return to school but listen to the guru this time around.


Drrrrr :loopy:

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Why do they celebrate it? Cos they're not stupid. They enjoy the festive season without worrying too much about the religious part just as millions of others who are not regular churchgoers do


Better than the devout atheists who cut off their noses to spite their faces and act like a bunch of Grinches, Jovies. Puritans (take your pick) when Dec 25th rolls around. :hihi:

What a strange post.


Whilst some non-religious folk might find the commercialisation of Christmas a bit tedious, I suspect that it is no more or less than religious folk.


As for specifically linking atheism with acting "like a bunch of Grinches", what a load of tosh. This is behaviour that I have never observed. There is no logical reason for the non-religious to hate Christmas.


The only people that I have noticed that genuinely hate Christmas are religious people, for religious reasons. People like the Jehovas Witnesses, Puritans that you mention, and goggles. If you can find an article by an atheist acting all Grinchlike, I will find 10 more by Christians.


The real Grinches IMHO are those people that complain about other people celebrating Christmas at all, or the wrong way, or those that complain that their way cannot be enforced on everybody else. It matters not, just enjoy.

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Why do they celebrate it? Cos they're not stupid. They enjoy the festive season without worrying too much about the religious part just as millions of others who are not regular churchgoers do


Better than the devout atheists who cut off their noses to spite their faces and act like a bunch of Grinches, Jovies. Puritans (take your pick) when Dec 25th rolls around. :hihi:


What are you talking about? I don't know any atheists who DON'T celebrate Christmas, do you?

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Ok, so I am back at work.


All I have heard this morning is what a wonderful Christmas my fella worker has had. He is Sikh.


I don't want to cause any offence, but I just cannot understand why he celebrates it. They don't believe in Jesus, and really it's not part of the cultural.


Any Sikhs, Hindus or Muslims on here celebrate it, and care to open my mind as to why you celebrate it?


I am sure their god wounldn't like them to do so. :huh:



My guess is that you are a toking christian?

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What are you talking about? I don't know any atheists who DON'T celebrate Christmas, do you?


What I do know of the Atheists thru watching the news on our local TV channels is that they like to place anti-religious signs anywhere in public places where mangers and minorahs are customarily displayed at this time of year.

Nothing wrong with that. I'm all for people enjoying the right to freedom of speech and expression guaranteed under the First Amendment.


Nevertheless if they use the Christmas season to eat, drink and be merry anyway then more power to them.


It's the kind of Atheists who because of their strongly held beliefs against Christmas and who deny themselves any enjoyment from it whatsoever who are the target of my ridicule. I'm sure there must be quite a lot of them too.

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What are you talking about? I don't know any atheists who DON'T celebrate Christmas, do you?


Jehovah's Witnesses certainly don't celebrate Christmas something to do with not wanting to receive a head on a plate as a prezzy, I understand.


I know a number of atheists and followers of other religions who don't celebrate Christmas. Others do.


I know a number of non-Jews who are circumcised.


I think celebrating Christmas is probably a better idea.


My guess is that you are a toking christian?


Do you live next door? Can you smell the burning weed? (S)he doesn't appear to be stoned from his/her posts.

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What I do know of the Atheists thru watching the news on our local TV channels is that they like to place anti-religious signs anywhere in public places where mangers and minorahs are customarily displayed at this time of year.

Nothing wrong with that. I'm all for people enjoying the right to freedom of speech and expression guaranteed under the First Amendment.


Well this is the reason I like the US, have chosen to visit many times and have studied the history. I am pleased that some people have the sense to defend it, and complain against government support for a particular religion. Hurrah for them.


I know many religious folk that actively support the Constitution and separation of state and church just as much as atheists, and complain at public religious signs. They recognise it protects them too.


The reason you've watched it on the news is that it's newsworthy, that amongst the 1000's of illegal public sited religious signs, a handful receive complaints from people willing to defend the Constitution. Demands to take the religious advertising down is often met with a "no", or a "put your sign up as well" at best.


In response to the latter, the non-religious signs I have seen have not been anti-religious at all, but if you care to link to the one that so upsets you so much then I might be able to comment further.


Nevertheless if they use the Christmas season to eat, drink and be merry anyway then more power to them.


It's the kind of Atheists who because of their strongly held beliefs against Christmas and who deny themselves any enjoyment from it whatsoever who are the target of my ridicule. I'm sure there must be quite a lot of them too.


As I said earlier, and RootsBooster confirmed, I've never met a single atheist who hates Christmas like you make out, not one. There would have to be a reason for that, and even the Grinch had a reason, but atheists do not, but some religious folk do, or feel that others should do.


Incidentally, why do you keep capitalising the "a" in atheist? Very strange.

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Well this is the reason I like the US, have chosen to visit many times and have studied the history. I am pleased that some people have the sense to defend it, and complain against government support for a particular religion. Hurrah for them.


I know many religious folk that actively support the Constitution and separation of state and church just as much as atheists, and complain at public religious signs. They recognise it protects them too.


The reason you've watched it on the news is that it's newsworthy, that amongst the 1000's of illegal public sited religious signs, a handful receive complaints from people willing to defend the Constitution. Demands to take the religious advertising down is often met with a "no", or a "put your sign up as well" at best.


In response to the latter, the non-religious signs I have seen have not been anti-religious at all, but if you care to link to the one that so upsets you so much then I might be able to comment further.




As I said earlier, and RootsBooster confirmed, I've never met a single atheist who hates Christmas like you make out, not one. There would have to be a reason for that, and even the Grinch had a reason, but atheists do not, but some religious folk do, or feel that others should do.


Incidentally, why do you keep capitalising the "a" in atheist? Very strange.



The City of Santa Monica, California which is not known for it's Conservative local government and at one time dubbed The People's Republic of Santa Monica allowed religious decorations along the parkway on PCH for around 60 years.

This year the local Atheist movement complained that they had been denied space to put up their signs. The City Council decided to hold a lottery for the 16 spaces available for signage and the Atheists won 12 of the spaces leaving four for Christian and Jewish symbols.


I dont think it achieved anything other than to prove the right to free speech.

The Athesit messages certainly didnt change the way of thinking of Christians and vice versa.


The majority of people didnt seem to give two hoots and were too busy packing out the local malls to do their Christmas shopping


Why do I capitalize Atheist? Why not. It's the same as Republican, Christian, Communist, Socialist.

Like those the word Atheist denotes a particualr belief which is a belief that God doesn't exist so it shpuld be capitalized


Just a matter of simple logic.

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