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Turkey slaughters 35 civilians, the world barely notices.

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Because they were atrocity's done to innocent people by filth.


But how does that change what your said in your other post?


"Unless you have family or friends there, who cares"


The people killed in Turkey were innocent too, why does their suffering matter less than the innocent victims of other things where none of your friends or family were involved?

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The title of this thread is: "Turkey slaughters 35 civilians, the world barely notices."


That's probably true. On average, 151,600 people die each day. Does 'the world' notice?


There was a 40-car pile-up outside New Orleans yesterday. Did that make the Sheffield papers?


People certainly care when they are doing the dying; their families and friends care, but - given that most people have a finite limit to the number of things that they can consider and care about in any one day - most people do not care. They might say "Oh, that's sad!", but do they really care? - I doubt it.

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