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301 Alfred Road


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Hi minorchick - I have the 1942 Kelly's Directory but 301 Alfred Road isn't mentioned (there is a gap from 257 "Mrs Agnes Eliz. Phenix, fried fish dealer" to 313 "Mrs Elsie Wright, grocer". If No 301 was a back-to-back or "court" house, residents of these were often not listed (I don't know why!) But the Local Studies library will have an electoral roll from that period and so you should be able to find out from this who lived there..:)

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now that makes a lot of sense , my father was given up for adoption in 1942 his mother was sent from Darlington to Sheffield to have the baby and lived at 301 Alfred Road , after she had him she was then sent back to Darlington , so i wonder if this was a home for unmarried mothers which would explain why the occupants were not registered . Thank you i will try to do a bit more digging.

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Hello again - needless to say, unmarried mums-to-be were often sent away to have their babies, often to friends or distant relatives. It might be worthwhile looking at the electorall rol, as all the adults living at the address should be listed. If your gran were only there for a short time she might not be mentioned; it will depend on when the electoral registration forms were sent out, but at least you'll see who was there.


In case it's of interest, in the the 1911 census return a William Bowles was the householder of No 301. A Norfolk-born steelworker, he was a widower of 54 who lived there with his two unmarried sons William and Leonard, a housekeeper Elizabeth Bruce and her two younger sisters. The house evidently had four rooms. Here is a map with the location of No 301 arrowed..:)

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Hello minorchick i lived on the corner of alfred road and don road,just up from 301.Where hillsbro's

map indicates i recall family's by the names of Farrell,Halpin and Marsh.The Marsh's emmigrated to Australia in the late fourties.Sorry i can't be any more specific.Good luck in your search.

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