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Why do some people talk posh on the phone?

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If you refer back to the OP, there is a quotation using slang. There's a difference between accent and the use of slang. I think the OP is mixing the two up.


I talk with a Yorkshire accent, however, I have been brought up to speak correctly, not using lazy slang phrases. I don't see this as posh.


nay lad, thas nowt wrong wi talking posh like me.

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Agree wholeheartedly with this. Accents are a rich part of our heritage, colourful and many almost force you to listen to them.

No one is asking for them to be hidden away or disguised in general but to unfamiliar ears they make understanding very difficult so it's common sense that they be softened in environments where clarity is important.

Personally I think English as a language is beautiful and with so many countries speaking it with their own twang makes it more so.

What I find slightly annoying are people that write how they speak. When did it become acceptable to write so poorly, it's common even on SF, when for example did 'a lot' become alot, in fact reduced to 'infact.'


here here! well said old chum.

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I had a grammar school education. I earned the right to it by being tested in the eleven plus. My parents never gave me an unethical and immoral advantage by paying for my education. The superior education that I EARNED, rather than was bought for me by some misguided parent does allow me to express myself well, unlike the ill educated ones who failed the 11 plus. It also gives me the confidence to be myself in all situations, without ever having to pretend.


It is my belief that grammar schools allow people who are intelligent enough to EARN a good education without anyone paying for it. I contend that I am better than anyone who had to pay for their education.

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What I strongly dislike in modern culture is the need to swear, young people, girls as much as boys, just seem to be unable to put a sentence together without using some of the foulest words ever.


Accents and even a bit of local slang I can take but not the incessant swearing, I actually feel embarrassed listening to it.

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