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Any cinemas worth going to


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No they are all awful, all of them (I think) still insist on running old fashioned 35mm celluloid film instead of proper modern digital cinema projection systems, which are now well established throughout the USA and springing up in most Uk cities, ie Manchester (always way ahead of Sheffield in tecnological terms with everything)


old skool projected film run from those clumky old noisy dated projectors on platters is jerky, covered in muck, fluff an dust, you can see the cement or clear tape splices in the film where its assembled in the projection booth and all those annoying reel change white marks too..... and film flickers all the time compared to digital cinema at its best........I could never watch a celluloid print again, poor colours, wobbly and flickering pictures, dust and dirt showing up magnified all over the screen, and sound that is crap compared to full range digital cinema sound...a modern digital cinema system using the latest DLP (digital light processing) technology makes 35mm film look like a bad 1960's home movie in picture quality...YEEK..


if you want a proper cinema experience, get out of Sheffield, its stuck in the 1980's as far as cinema technology is concerned....they still employ 'projectionists' for Gods sake....pure digital cinema that I have experienced is all totally automated and managed usually off site by remote links, and not prone to human errors and lazy projectionists....how many times is the film 'off screen' with **** sound missing one channel or out of focus ......modern technology is totally automatic with laser focusing....


come on Sheffield lets convert the old flea pits and join the 21st century ........


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Cineworld is very over-priced! The only way to get a decent price for a film is to go early and get the early bird rate (about £4.60 i think last time I went). Sadly Cineworld now gets all the films The Showroom used to so if you want to see something a bit different you have to fight through all the gangs of youths who hang about the main entrance and nearby bowling alley smoking weed. The food at Cineworld is also extortionately priced; although its easily accessible via tram and gets a decent selection of films I really would advise going elsewhere if you don't want a serious hit on your wallet. Oddly the Cineworld in Chesterfield is cheaper!


The Showroom is looking a bit dilapidated these days and has also hiked up its admission prices but the food remains the best value of all the cinemas. The selection of films ain't so great though since Cineworld got half of their usual fare.


As for Odeon and Vue/WB, I haven't been for several years so really couldn't comment on those, although the Odeon used to be OK.

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  • 2 weeks later...

last movie I went to see at the Odeon which was Day the Earth stood still remake there were rows full of noisy chavs, and some old smelling alcohol soaked tramp sprawled in the seat nearby with a carrier bag full of clinking bottles.......no security at all its a disgrace...I complained at reception as no staff were anywhere to be seen around any of the screen entrances, and all I got was

"I'll leave a note for the duty manager love we have had other complaints about a tramp"..from some gum chewing box office girl who preferred to paint her nails than deal with any issues.......


but it was an awful movie anyway so nothing lost I guess....never set foot in the place since nor will I ever again....DIRE CINEMA

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The showroom is the best :) Support your local independent!


I agree, the Showroom is for the community so when you can why not support it. Much better your money go to a charity plus you get something in return.... an interesting film to watch. A good deed and some entertainment, can't be bad!

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