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The last heathen in Gleadless bar one.


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When i was a foster kid living in Gleadless which was then in the countryside it was decided that i should go to Sunday school.

I took to this religious stuff like a duck to water and was an enthusiastic member of the local Sunday Schools one on Hollinsend Rd near the New Inn Pub and the other at Gleadless Town End that is now a Doctors i think.

I took to singing hyms with gusto and my chest would swell with pride as i pelted out all the faviourites such as, while cooling streams of water flow when heated in the chase ,and my faviourite Yes Jesus loves me.

The sunday school teacher Shiela Kirk used to say that one little boy sung just like an Angel and everybody used to turn and look at me and make me blush.

I got all my stars for the cubs and joined the boys brigade [never had a uniform so i was the one marching in short trousers with snake belt age 11].

All these clubs and institutions gave out badges and stuff and were based on religion at that time.

At the ripe old age age of eleven i was officially adopted and my papers came through giving me a real name instead of one with about four surnames in it.

But horror and shame! it was discovered that i had never been CHURCHED, christened,I was a fake sundayschooler.

Well things went mad ,My old ma said i could not attend Sunday school any more until i was christened and so the service was booked for christening Sunday and the day duly arrived ,i was decked out in my Whitsuntide grey suite from Banners , Short trousers,long socks with three green stripes round turned down tops and school cap with Prince Edward badge on front and plimsolls.

We all walked to to Gladness Church at the corner of Ridgeway Rd and Hollinsend and i and my ensemble joined the waiting hords of screaming babies who old Sharpy the vicar was systematically dunking in the font mumbling some words and declaring them Christians.

This made them roor more and i think i was having second thoughts but ma kept pushing up the front.

Any way my big moment and some mumbled words between Sharpy and my new mam decided that my christening could not go ahead unless he saw my official adoption papers that were in the wardrobe a mile and a half away so i was given the key and told to fetch em and to hurry up or old Sharpy was going home.

To cut a long story short i run there and back falling down on Gleadless Common and scraping my knees and nose and when old Sharpy was ducking me in the font the water went mucky red .

He never liked me after that i knew from the way he used to look at me as i attended Sunday School for a couple of months after.

I chucked in the cubs and the boys brigade and the blumin Sunday School and started cycling on Sundays instead .Thats when i fell out with religion and every time i go past Christ Church Gleadless on the tram i think i was no different before all that rigmarole than i was after.

The other heathen in Gleadless was a bloke call Alec who used to pinch a horse from Dobsons Farm on Gleadless Common and ride it backwards on his way home from the Heeley and Sheffield house and always used to shout at me as he rode past sing us a hymn Cuttsie.

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When i was a foster kid living in Gleadless which was then in the countryside it was decided that i should go to Sunday school.

I took to this religious stuff like a duck to water and was an enthusiastic member of the local Sunday Schools one on Hollinsend Rd near the New Inn Pub and the other at Gleadless Town End that is now a Doctors i think.

I took to singing hyms with gusto and my chest would swell with pride as i pelted out all the faviourites such as, while cooling streams of water flow when heated in the chase ,and my faviourite Yes Jesus loves me.

The sunday school teacher Shiela Kirk used to say that one little boy sung just like an Angel and everybody used to turn and look at me and make me blush.

I got all my stars for the cubs and joined the boys brigade [never had a uniform so i was the one marching in short trousers with snake belt age 11].

All these clubs and institutions gave out badges and stuff and were based on religion at that time.

At the ripe old age age of eleven i was officially adopted and my papers came through giving me a real name instead of one with about four surnames in it.

But horror and shame! it was discovered that i had never been CHURCHED, christened,I was a fake sundayschooler.

Well things went mad ,My old ma said i could not attend Sunday school any more until i was christened and so the service was booked for christening Sunday and the day duly arrived ,i was decked out in my Whitsuntide grey suite from Banners , Short trousers,long socks with three green stripes round turned down tops and school cap with Prince Edward badge on front and plimsolls.

We all walked to to Gladness Church at the corner of Ridgeway Rd and Hollinsend and i and my ensemble joined the waiting hords of screaming babies who old Sharpy the vicar was systematically dunking in the font mumbling some words and declaring them Christians.

This made them roor more and i think i was having second thoughts but ma kept pushing up the front.

Any way my big moment and some mumbled words between Sharpy and my new mam decided that my christening could not go ahead unless he saw my official adoption papers that were in the wardrobe a mile and a half away so i was given the key and told to fetch em and to hurry up or old Sharpy was going home.

To cut a long story short i run there and back falling down on Gleadless Common and scraping my knees and nose and when old Sharpy was ducking me in the font the water went mucky red .

He never liked me after that i knew from the way he used to look at me as i attended Sunday School for a couple of months after.

I chucked in the cubs and the boys brigade and the blumin Sunday School and started cycling on Sundays instead .Thats when i fell out with religion and every time i go past Christ Church Gleadless on the tram i think i was no different before all that rigmarole than i was after.

The other heathen in Gleadless was a bloke call Alec who used to pinch a horse from Dobsons Farm on Gleadless Common and ride it backwards on his way home from the Heeley and Sheffield house and always used to shout at me as he rode past sing us a hymn Cuttsie.

Oh Cutsy you poor lad it must have been awful.

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When i was a foster kid living in Gleadless which was then in the countryside it was decided that i should go to Sunday school.

I took to this religious stuff like a duck to water and was an enthusiastic member of the local Sunday Schools one on Hollinsend Rd near the New Inn Pub and the other at Gleadless Town End that is now a Doctors i think.

I took to singing hyms with gusto and my chest would swell with pride as i pelted out all the faviourites such as, while cooling streams of water flow when heated in the chase ,and my faviourite Yes Jesus loves me.

The sunday school teacher Shiela Kirk used to say that one little boy sung just like an Angel and everybody used to turn and look at me and make me blush.

I got all my stars for the cubs and joined the boys brigade [never had a uniform so i was the one marching in short trousers with snake belt age 11].

All these clubs and institutions gave out badges and stuff and were based on religion at that time.

At the ripe old age age of eleven i was officially adopted and my papers came through giving me a real name instead of one with about four surnames in it.

But horror and shame! it was discovered that i had never been CHURCHED, christened,I was a fake sundayschooler.

Well things went mad ,My old ma said i could not attend Sunday school any more until i was christened and so the service was booked for christening Sunday and the day duly arrived ,i was decked out in my Whitsuntide grey suite from Banners , Short trousers,long socks with three green stripes round turned down tops and school cap with Prince Edward badge on front and plimsolls.

We all walked to to Gladness Church at the corner of Ridgeway Rd and Hollinsend and i and my ensemble joined the waiting hords of screaming babies who old Sharpy the vicar was systematically dunking in the font mumbling some words and declaring them Christians.

This made them roor more and i think i was having second thoughts but ma kept pushing up the front.

Any way my big moment and some mumbled words between Sharpy and my new mam decided that my christening could not go ahead unless he saw my official adoption papers that were in the wardrobe a mile and a half away so i was given the key and told to fetch em and to hurry up or old Sharpy was going home.

To cut a long story short i run there and back falling down on Gleadless Common and scraping my knees and nose and when old Sharpy was ducking me in the font the water went mucky red .

He never liked me after that i knew from the way he used to look at me as i attended Sunday School for a couple of months after.

I chucked in the cubs and the boys brigade and the blumin Sunday School and started cycling on Sundays instead .Thats when i fell out with religion and every time i go past Christ Church Gleadless on the tram i think i was no different before all that rigmarole than i was after.

The other heathen in Gleadless was a bloke call Alec who used to pinch a horse from Dobsons Farm on Gleadless Common and ride it backwards on his way home from the Heeley and Sheffield house and always used to shout at me as he rode past sing us a hymn Cuttsie.


Nice post Cuttsie. If you were in the Cubs you should've gone on to the Scouts. The Life Boys was the feeder for the Boys Brigade. :hihi:

I was in the Cubs but never made it to the Scouts. I chucked them up after two or three years because the dib dib dib and dob dob dob was on Tuesday nights and clashed with Whacko! on the box. TV has got a lot to answer for.

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Nice post Cuttsie. If you were in the Cubs you should've gone on to the Scouts. The Life Boys was the feeder for the Boys Brigade. :hihi:

I was in the Cubs but never made it to the Scouts. I chucked them up after two or three years because the dib dib dib and dob dob dob was on Tuesday nights and clashed with Whacko! on the box. TV has got a lot to answer for.

Cheers jim ,I wonder if you ever came across the horse rider he was famous around old Gleadless always sat in the bay window at the Heeley and Sheffield house his name was Alec Caley and he was a Clarke Gable double ,

He also used to ride on Dobsons cows Alec that is not Clarke Gable.

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Cheers jim ,I wonder if you ever came across the horse rider he was famous around old Gleadless always sat in the bay window at the Heeley and Sheffield house his name was Alec Caley and he was a Clarke Gable double ,

He also used to ride on Dobsons cows Alec that is not Clarke Gable.


No mate, in my cubs days I lived in Pitsmoor. Gleadless came later but I was gone from there before reaching pub age. My old man used to go in the Heeley & Shef as well as the Cutlers, Phoenix and Centre Spot.

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