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Pubs charging for admittance on NYE

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Some of you need to grow up. What's wrong with you people.


Exploitation my a**e. Its supply and demand. Its businesss. They are not your friends. They are there to make money. No-one is being exploited as you have a choice. Go out or stay in.


Edinburgh is hugely popular at new year. Hotel rooms and restaurant bookings sell out months in advance. That's why they can charge. Just the same at Festival time or tourist season.


London is exactly the same. Hotels and nightclubs are exactly the same.


Rule 1 of running a business. When demand is high charge more. When demand drops off offer a discount or other incentive.


The reason most people become a regular of a certain pub or pubs is simply because its LOCAL. Local to you, your family or local to where you live. If you move you find another one. Very little to do with the pub itself. All this "never going to go there again" is just pathetic. Its only one night of the year.


In my experience most NYE pubs with charges do provide some form of entertainment, buffet, dinner or other extras. That has to be paid for and that's why they charge.


Pubs only hold a certain amount of people. Ticketing with the appropraite price ensures the pub has the right number in and usually the right kind of people. The wanderers or once a year crowd find they cant get in as they have sold out. That stops the overcrowding and huge queues at the bar people seem to complain about when its a busy occasion.


The idea of using tickets to limit crowds is good,otherwise it is exploitative.There are huge sales of alcohol on NYE without the need to alter prices etc.I would suggest such pubs have picket lines outside with a view to their closure.They should be highlighted with a form of tar and feathers,as was the case in Ulster.

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My local is charging a £1 entry fee which is being donated to a children's charity.


Personally I always go to / throw a house party. Except for this year because I'm looking after my nan so that her carer can have the night off.

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The idea of using tickets to limit crowds is good,otherwise it is exploitative.There are huge sales of alcohol on NYE without the need to alter prices etc.I would suggest such pubs have picket lines outside with a view to their closure.They should be highlighted with a form of tar and feathers,as was the case in Ulster.


And what about things like extra staff, overtime payments, food, entertainment etc that many pubs offer on new years eve. How do you think that gets paid for?? Ticket prices usually include something extra to a normal night out.


You go and have your picket. You will soon be crying when another local pub closes down.

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And what about things like extra staff, overtime payments, food, entertainment etc that many pubs offer on new years eve. How do you think that gets paid for?? Ticket prices usually include something extra to a normal night out.


You go and have your picket. You will soon be crying when another local pub closes down.


What extras?If there is a buffet then a ticket charge is a fair deal,but the extra staff is financed by extra sales.

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who do these pub landlords think they are charging an admittance fee on New years eve, greed thats all it is, as if they don't skank us enough with the price for the ale they sell, i would like to know where the entry fee is going and if any of these landlords are donating the fee to a local charity.


They do it because they can. If not enough people turn up to make them an adequate profit then they've made a bad commercial decision. Nobody is forced to pay an admission fee.

It's called free will. Try exercising it.

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