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New Years Resolutions for 2012

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The obvious one is find a new job after being told in November my current one will be gone in Jan/Feb.

I have a place in the London Marathon - so keeping up with the training has to be in there.

Finally, since July/August I've been losing weight. Around 12Kg so far, another 4 or 5 to get to target weight.


All the above should be achievable with a bit of effort. I don't do 'resolutions' per se, but the above are some sensibly achievable goals for 2012.

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To stop getting upset by those who judge me on how I look & concentrate more on the decent person I am.


Same here, I am hoping to build myself up and improve my life with depression, then when I am stronger in myself see if I can get and last in a decent settled job.


Then still look around for properties as am wanting to move so got to keep bidding and plugging away at that, then hopefully have time to make new friends and meet someone nice to settle down with, well the last one is never achievable in my life but one can only hope.

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I think this year, its just a case of staying positive... every paper you read, every news channel, every report is pedaling nothing but doom and gloom.... think we have to stay focused, stay positive.


I hope everybody all the success with there new years resoloution.x

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