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Some people should not be allowed children

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Maybe. Doesn't mean that I should accept council behaviour as the norm.


You Sir are an example of everything that's wrong with our society. I was brought up on a council estate and was always a victim of prejudice from people like yourself. I have made a decent life for myself not despite but as a result of my council estate background. My background taught me to have respect for everybody regardless of where they are from and for where they live.


If you believe for one minute that all council estate people behave in a particular way then you are obviously lacking a great deal of knowledge and are purely ignorant. Do yourself a favour and keep your misguided opinions to yourself.

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What do you expect? There's crack of the ass crackers who are allowed to rent there who have no place being in that neighbourhood. It's a reasonable place for reasonable folk - It's because benefits reliant scrotes get to rent in an area which decent people should live in.


They should leave their council ways on their estates, and by that I mean, Stay on their estates and if they have to move out then adopt the norms of reasonable society.


Eh? so everyone who lives in a rented house is a crackhead?


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You Sir are an example of everything that's wrong with our society. I was brought up on a council estate and was always a victim of prejudice from people like yourself. I have made a decent life for myself not despite but as a result of my council estate background. My background taught me to have respect for everybody regardless of where they are from and for where they live.


If you believe for one minute that all council estate people behave in a particular way then you are obviously lacking a great deal of knowledge and are purely ignorant. Do yourself a favour and keep your misguided opinions to yourself.



Here here !! Well said.

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What do you expect? There's crack of the ass crackers who are allowed to rent there who have no place being in that neighbourhood. It's a reasonable place for reasonable folk - It's because benefits reliant scrotes get to rent in an area which decent people should live in.


They should leave their council ways on their estates, and by that I mean, Stay on their estates and if they have to move out then adopt the norms of reasonable society.


i know this is off topic but, i would be interested to read your other opinions of people living on council estates are they all the same?

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At 6pm this evening I was parked on Holme Lane, sitting in my car. My sister was standing next to me facing behind me. Busy traffic, tram route. I saw about 50 yards down the street an 18 month old baby girl toddling down the dark street on her own, wobbling onto the road and back again I screamed to my sister, "Oh my God! There's a baby, go grab it!!!" She ran and picked her up and I jumped out of the car and followed. The little girl only had on a nappy, thin vest and had bare feet. We comforted her and tried to get her to point out where she'd come from, seeing how she couldn't speak. There was no adults anywhere in sight. After a couple minutes a man came strolling leisurely down the road, fag in gob, and claimed her. He didn't seem distressed at all, just said sorry and thanks and strolled off again. Whereas my heart was racing and my sister was nearly in tears, it was extremely upsetting to see a baby about 3 seconds away from being run over! What is wrong with some people??


This is not unusual I'm afraid. Some people do not have a clue.

It seems (seems?) though that kids who are left to their own devices never come to any harm because they become streetwise really early.

Now I know this is not the case in truth, which is why so many are removed from their homes and placed in care. Many are missed, like the little girl who was left in an upstairs room in that pub on Upperthorpe.

The reality is... anyone fertile person can have kids, but you can't ride a moped without taking a test :loopy:

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i know this is off topic but, i would be interested to read your other opinions of people living on council estates are they all the same?


I don't know why I am responding to this?? :roll:


No of course they are not all the same, crikey.

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how has a child of that age got out alone, my son is almost 20 month and big for his age but he cant open doors yet and if he could they would be locked.





probably told is parents he was just popping out for a packet of fags and he'd be back in a couple of minutes:suspect:





most people should be licesnsed to have kids

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Im afraid that what Swan_Vesta has said does have an element of truth inside of it.


Social Housing landlords are oblidged to take disfunctional tenants as they my have vulnerability issues covered under national housing legislation (the law). Most of these peoples lifestyle does not impact on the res of society. Unfortunately a small number of disfunctional people can have an adverse effect on the wider community.


On the other hand, living in an area predominantly of homeowners and private rented gives no garauntues away from neighbours from hell. So, if its only a minority of council tenants causing trouble, its probability that a small number of private residents will do the same.


So after all that I've concluded you've just as much chance wherever you live.

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