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Sheffield Council. Vandals? Or forward Thinkers?


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You said it !

I suspect that the insults and allegations came from your end . Everyone is wrong except for you ? I think that I can agree with you on this occasion .

Quote:- " If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen " end quote .

Ok then ,i will leave you to the washing up.

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I have been left Sheffield for more than 30 years now . I still visit regularly , as I still live in the county . What I see is a city which anyone can be proud of .

Whilst it is important to retain some of the history of the city , one must remember the decimated blitzed remains of the second world war ' and how it has grown like the phoenix from the ashes .

It maybe needs someone to stand back and and look at it with a critically constructive eye.

The only one critical view I have is the " Old Post Office " in Fitzallan square . I would have no hesitation in saying that the GPO. have been criminal in their behaviour in resolving the problem .

The building is of architectural and historical value , as well as one of the focal landmarks of the city centre , and should be preserved at all costs . With to-days technological know how it can be developed whilst retaining the facade .It is only hanging out for a better price as someone remarked earlier .

Sheffield has a great deal to b proud of . It is not until you compare it with other city's that a fuller appreciation can be acknowledged .



It is true that the council have made inroads into attempts to give the City centre a more modern appeal. But they have also gone down the route of chucking the baby out with the bathwater. Many buildings and areas of architectural merit have been literally dicarded to oblivion. To my mind they should have been much more selective about what was demolished. The centre and periphery of the town seems to be filling up with new apartment buildings.



This is in addition to all the obvious buildings of architectural merit, the Halls, The Mansions etc, that have been allowed to decay beyond repair, or plain demolished with no thought. Where is the scale, human or otherwise that dictates what makes people feel good about their surroundings.

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I think this knocking down bit by the council is a continuation of the Parliamentary orders of the 1650s to flatten the castle.

Any body remember those beautiful Victorian tram stops at the peace gardens ?

Looking like the buildings opposite and the sally dash citadel are all going to go the same way soon...

Still it's so much easier to knock down the concrete one's like those on the moor isn't it.

The Moor, that was sealed off by that pyramid thingy at the bottom wasn't it.

Never worked out what that building was, strange really, a building that size but you never seemed to see anyone going in or out, or know anyone who worked there?..:suspect:

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Let us all remember that we don't have to agree on all things. But everyone does have a valued opinion, and it is important to respect that others do need to air there feelings.:|


I would agree with you completely that people do need to air their feelings and , that does include a valued opinion . However . When someone shares an allegation in public , as your contributor did , I do not think it wholly unreasonable to ask that person to " put up " evidence to support that allegation or " shut up ".

My remarks to the contributor I would suggest , were reasonable under the circumstances . Indeed , I did remark that . " Were he able to substantiate those allegations then I would support him ". However . It would have to be dealt with in the correct manner . Which again, I did remark upon .

Now . a

As to the right to a valued opinion and , the importance to respect other peoples need to air their feelings . I also claim that right . But I do so whist being mindful of making allegations of which are without foundation , substance or corroboration . I would deny that as a right of anyone -as does the law of liable .

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I would agree with you completely that people do need to air their feelings and , that does include a valued opinion . However . When someone shares an allegation in public , as your contributor did , I do not think it wholly unreasonable to ask that person to " put up " evidence to support that allegation or " shut up ".

My remarks to the contributor I would suggest , were reasonable under the circumstances . Indeed , I did remark that . " Were he able to substantiate those allegations then I would support him ". However . It would have to be dealt with in the correct manner . Which again, I did remark upon .

Now . a

As to the right to a valued opinion and , the importance to respect other peoples need to air their feelings . I also claim that right . But I do so whist being mindful of making allegations of which are without foundation , substance or corroboration . I would deny that as a right of anyone -as does the law of liable .


You're the one suggesting Westminster is a murky pool, are you making allegations without foundation, are you suggesting all those in Westminster are a dodgy bunch.

"that is where they all swim around in the murky pool"

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Someone mentioned the old GPO building, my gut feeling is that it will be demolished for safety reasons, after all 'someone' has ordered that weather seals such as roofing and leading be 'disturbed'. My problem with the building is that I couldn't, until recently, think of a present day use for it, and who would want to take on the responsibility of maintaining it? I'll throw this one in for luck, and please don't laugh. The building is so close to Hallam University that it might as well be part and parcel of it, it would be owned by the taxpayer, and used for a sensible reason.


Just a thought.

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Your suggestion is a very sensible and valid one and should be given a good airing .

I would imagine that there may be some problems in the negotiating in the first instance as it is a crown property . However . In view of the way the " Royal Mail " have dallied , I would suspect that they would be glad to be shut of the responsibility .

Full Marks for the suggetion.

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Many buildings are being demolished because the landowner has to pay an empty buildings tax. I think this was an unintended consequence of a law brought in by the last government.


I don't know how this applies to empty listed buildings.





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There are some photos of the old GPO building on this site that are quite interesting, especially to someone like me who once worked there. Apparently the "Grade II listed Post Office building was up for sale for a considerable time before finally being sold for development in early 2006" (???). This is also stated on the Wikipedia page about Fitzalan Square. Does the building really have a new owner who will develop it?

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