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Is UK tax law the same as the following..

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..it's longish but it's more entertaining than Brucie.





Anyone any idea of the complexities of tax law in this country. One could argue that Americans are dumb for being fed a line..my concern now is how dumb am I for following the same line...possibly.


This is not an anti-American thread..in fact the opposite, as certain American individuals (patriots) have brought it to my attention.

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So who controlled Britain in the early years of the 20th century? The banks and the big industrial magnates also of course and yes they still do. Labour like the Tories were all in their pockets and still are


Anyway we still pay less taxes than you do! Nah ne nah ne nah ne !!

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So who controlled Britain in the early years of the 20th century? The banks and the big industrial magnates also of course and yes they still do. Labour like the Tories were all in their pockets and still are


Anyway we still pay less taxes than you do! Nah ne nah ne nah ne !!


Totally lost me harleyman, haven't a clue what you're on about.


It isn't a blame question/debate. Did you watch the film btw?



The point is ..you pay taxes on your exchange of labour. Why do you pay something which isn't required, by law?

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