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Is UK tax law the same as the following..

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You're the one pushing daft propaganda. :roll:


Elaborate how you've come to this conclusion? I have stated neither fact nor fiction..I've asked a question based on a film which seems to prove the the American constitution does not require a tax based on an exchange of labour, yet millions of Americans are hounded by a fascist organisation based on what? Certainly it seems not the law.


You think that's ok and propaganda? Then either prove the constitution requires a tax or go watch Brucie.

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Totally lost me harleyman, haven't a clue what you're on about.


It isn't a blame question/debate. Did you watch the film btw?



The point is ..you pay taxes on your exchange of labour. Why do you pay something which isn't required, by law?


I pay taxes because a country and a civilized society cannot exist without taxes. I dont bother myself about the more intricate technicalities of what is "lawful" and 'unlawful"

I want my trash picked up, my kids educated, a police force that keeps nasty people away from my door and an army that defends the shores from foreign invaders.


Back in the 1970s there was a group here who called themselves The Protect Your Heritage Society. It was headed by a "hotshot lawyer" who challenged the Federal government that income taxes were not legal since the dollar had come off the gold standard and therefore since the dollar was no longer "llegal currency" it could not be taxed. The group managed to get quite a few believers/suckers to sign up and they stopped having income tax withheld from their earnings. The dispute between this group and the federal Government went on for a number of years until guess what?........ The group lost their case and a few thousand of the followers found themselves really up sheet creek. Thousands of dollars in back taxes owed, huge penalties in interest on top of that and homes and other possessions confiscated if they did not pay up.

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Elaborate how you've come to this conclusion? I have stated neither fact nor fiction..I've asked a question based on a film which seems to prove the the American constitution does not require a tax based on an exchange of labour, yet millions of Americans are hounded by a fascist organisation based on what? Certainly it seems not the law.


You think that's ok and propaganda? Then either prove the constitution requires a tax or go watch Brucie.


Do you pay taxes in England? I did when i lived there. Is the organisation in England that collects taxes also a fascist organisation?


Everybody pays taxes !!!!! Everybody ! :D

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Do you pay taxes in England? I did when i lived there. Is the organisation in England that collects taxes also a fascist organisation?


Everybody pays taxes !!!!! Everybody ! :D



Read my title and op then come back.


I guess you didn't watch the film..pity.

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As I said, you have your usual axe to grind...




Spooky? It seems from a debate point of view anything that upsets your minuscule non lateral mindset gets you all frothy and "muslamic ray gunny". Sorry son but I just can't compete or reduce my intellect to your level...it would hurt, so therefore I'll not debate this issue with you any further.

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Spooky? It seems from a debate point of view anything that upsets your minuscule non lateral mindset gets you all frothy and "muslamic ray gunny". Sorry son but I just can't compete or reduce my intellect to your level...it would hurt, so therefore I'll not debate this issue with you any further.


If you want to live in this place without taxes, then go move to some country ruled by warlords, you'll soon find that the alternative is far worse!

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If you want to live in this place without taxes, then go move to some country ruled by warlords, you'll soon find that the alternative is far worse!



And where oh Mr intellect did I suggest this little ditty?

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