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Why do so many people hate our protesters?

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Are you saying that people that vote green don't want their MP to win and don't want the party to become the next government? It’s a bit stupid voting for someone that you don't want to win don't you think.


You claimed that someone who voted Green was also voting for a Green Prime Minister - that is clearly not true.

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I don't get it? When they do it in places like Libya we all say good on'em and praise them for fighting what they beleive is fair, when any of us do it we're potrayed as been silly?


You may love our government, bankers, the privatised NHS and the necessary cuts etc, but what is so wrong with standing up for what you believe in? So what if some of them are a bit middle class and crusty, need a wash, off with the fairies, spout fashionable stuff from the Guardian, what harm are they doing?


You can't compare them to those in Libya etc, it's totally different.



We are in hard times and they are trying to make things worse. They are all striking for more money when there really isn't any.... There will be, but we need to pull together to make it happen.... not strike!

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General Elections are only part of living in a democracy - and in our case, not a very effective one.


Every 5 years only around 2/3rds of eligible people vote, and a governments are formed based on a minority of the votes cast. In recent years governments have been formed with around 1/4 support from the electorate, with often only a few votes in key areas making any difference at all.


Once they are elected, governments often abandon pledges or do the exact opposite of what they pledged (VAT, Student Fees etc).


That's why people protest - they are engaging with the political system that would otherwise ignore them.


An excellent resume on the shortcomings of a demcracy and the need for the bold few to act on behalf of the indifferent and apathetic majority.The majority of people in the UK have it too easy and will not question or threaten the staus quo.

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An excellent resume on the shortcomings of a demcracy and the need for the bold few to act on behalf of the indifferent and apathetic majority.The majority of people in the UK have it too easy and will not question or threaten the staus quo.


Hold on, if the majority have too easy, why change it ? I like easy ! If the minority have it too easy and the majority too hard, it needs changing, otherwise why rock the boat ?

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You claimed that someone who voted Green was also voting for a Green Prime Minister - that is clearly not true.


The PM is always the leader of the winning party so when you vote for an MP you are increasing the likelihood of the leader of that party becoming the next PM, just because the likelihood is very small doesn’t mean you aren’t voting for them.

It would be like backing an outsider in a horse race and not wanting to win, you know you probably won’t win but you would still like it to come first.

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Does any of that personally impact on you? Do you live near the Cathedral?


What's that got to do with anything. Its a feature part of the city centre and their scruffy camp is making the place look a mess. My office is very close by and it is very irritating seeing that shower camping there (or not as the case often is) each day.



Why do you claim they are hypocrites?


Does using or benefitting from a system or service mean one mustn't criticise it? That's a ludicrous notion. Does that mean that no-one who uses trains is allowed to complain if they are late or if they crash?


Of course you can complain and criticise. We all have the right to do that. But you do it through proper channels and means. If I had a complaint about trains being late as you say. I would not have the right to squat and camp onboard the 7.20 master cutler each day :loopy:


The anti hunting march and anti war marches are good examples of peaceful protest with a genuine cause.


Occupy, anti capitalists, student marchs etc in my opinion are no more worthy of serious recognition than the london rioters who were allegedly smashing up JD Sports and New Look in the name of "protest". Only caring about what THEY can get out of it.


What really are these "protests" for?????


You dont like bankers -

your free to ditch your account and use ethical ones. Your free to choose not to use banking at all.


You dont like corporations -

your free to shop elsewhere and use local stores.


You dont like your bosses earning millions -

Your free to leave work at any time and do something else. Your free to resign, put grievances, tribunals against any treatment deemed unfair.


You dont like the police -

Justice systems allow for police complaints, internal investigations, government appeals and ombudsman, criminal injuries compensations and access to fair hearings.


You dont like being part of the system -

Your free to emigrate, become a traveller, go self sufficient, buy your own plot, build your own house, generate your own power and essentials.


You dont like the government -

Your free to make a uninfluenced democratic choice each local and general election. Your free to contact your MP/Councillor/Committee/Parish/Public Forum/Public Court Hearing/Public Council Chamber at any time to hear, observe, gather information or give opinion.


Dont like the media -

Your free to read, listen or view hundreds on independant articles, press, broadcasts with or without government influence. Internet with minimal national filtering allows access to further unbiased and uninfluenced information and opinion.


That's what we have in this country. We all have. Something other parts of the world can only dream of. Take a look at China, Singapore, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Lybia, Syria, Turkey, Cuba, Thailand and even parts of the USA.


Seriously, reasons for our "protests" are almost laughable.

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What's that got to do with anything. Its a feature part of the city centre and their scruffy camp is making the place look a mess. My office is very close by and it is very irritating seeing that shower camping there (or not as the case often is) each day.





Of course you can complain and criticise. We all have the right to do that. But you do it through proper channels and means. If I had a complaint about trains being late as you say. I would not have the right to squat and camp onboard the 7.20 master cutler each day :loopy:


The anti hunting march and anti war marches are good examples of peaceful protest with a genuine cause.


Occupy, anti capitalists, student marchs etc in my opinion are no more worthy of serious recognition than the london rioters who were allegedly smashing up JD Sports and New Look in the name of "protest". Only caring about what THEY can get out of it.


What really are these "protests" for?????


You dont like bankers -

your free to ditch your account and use ethical ones. Your free to choose not to use banking at all.


You dont like corporations -

your free to shop elsewhere and use local stores.


You dont like your bosses earning millions -

Your free to leave work at any time and do something else. Your free to resign, put grievances, tribunals against any treatment deemed unfair.


You dont like the police -

Justice systems allow for police complaints, internal investigations, government appeals and ombudsman, criminal injuries compensations and access to fair hearings.


You dont like being part of the system -

Your free to emigrate, become a traveller, go self sufficient, buy your own plot, build your own house, generate your own power and essentials.


You dont like the government -

Your free to make a uninfluenced democratic choice each local and general election. Your free to contact your MP/Councillor/Committee/Parish/Public Forum/Public Court Hearing/Public Council Chamber at any time to hear, observe, gather information or give opinion.


Dont like the media -

Your free to read, listen or view hundreds on independant articles, press, broadcasts with or without government influence. Internet with minimal national filtering allows access to further unbiased and uninfluenced information and opinion.


That's what we have in this country. We all have. Something other parts of the world can only dream of. Take a look at China, Singapore, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Lybia, Syria, Turkey, Cuba, Thailand and even parts of the USA.


Seriously, reasons for our "protests" are almost laughable.



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What's that got to do with anything. Its a feature part of the city centre and their scruffy camp is making the place look a mess. My office is very close by and it is very irritating seeing that shower camping there (or not as the case often is) each day.





Of course you can complain and criticise. We all have the right to do that. But you do it through proper channels and means. If I had a complaint about trains being late as you say. I would not have the right to squat and camp onboard the 7.20 master cutler each day :loopy:


The anti hunting march and anti war marches are good examples of peaceful protest with a genuine cause.


Occupy, anti capitalists, student marchs etc in my opinion are no more worthy of serious recognition than the london rioters who were allegedly smashing up JD Sports and New Look in the name of "protest". Only caring about what THEY can get out of it.


What really are these "protests" for?????


You dont like bankers -

your free to ditch your account and use ethical ones. Your free to choose not to use banking at all.


You dont like corporations -

your free to shop elsewhere and use local stores.


You dont like your bosses earning millions -

Your free to leave work at any time and do something else. Your free to resign, put grievances, tribunals against any treatment deemed unfair.


You dont like the police -

Justice systems allow for police complaints, internal investigations, government appeals and ombudsman, criminal injuries compensations and access to fair hearings.


You dont like being part of the system -

Your free to emigrate, become a traveller, go self sufficient, buy your own plot, build your own house, generate your own power and essentials.


You dont like the government -

Your free to make a uninfluenced democratic choice each local and general election. Your free to contact your MP/Councillor/Committee/Parish/Public Forum/Public Court Hearing/Public Council Chamber at any time to hear, observe, gather information or give opinion.


Dont like the media -

Your free to read, listen or view hundreds on independant articles, press, broadcasts with or without government influence. Internet with minimal national filtering allows access to further unbiased and uninfluenced information and opinion.


That's what we have in this country. We all have. Something other parts of the world can only dream of. Take a look at China, Singapore, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Lybia, Syria, Turkey, Cuba, Thailand and even parts of the USA.


Seriously, reasons for our "protests" are almost laughable.


Perfectly said ,and 100% spot on. :thumbsup:

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Hold on, if the majority have too easy, why change it ? I like easy ! If the minority have it too easy and the majority too hard, it needs changing, otherwise why rock the boat ?


Short term comfort or long-term progress?It is a hard choice.

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