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Why don't the unemployed start their own businesses?

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What are you talking about, who have I bullied? What could affect me? And what medicine are you talking about? You have completely lost me with this post.


That's not difficult to do is it? I've only have to ask your name or ask you to tie your laces and that's you stumped. And no, you can't put people down by pretending that don't know what someone is talking about.

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That's not difficult to do is it? I've only have to ask your name or ask you to tie your laces and that's you stumped. And no, you can't put people down by pretending that don't know what someone is talking about.


I think you are losing the plot; you’re going to have to stop drinking because now you’re confusing yourself.

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Yeah yeah, you've lost and your reply seems to be the standard SF rhetoric


:huh::huh:I would accept that I'd lost if I knew what I'd lost and knew what you are talking about, but you are unwilling to explain in a language I understand.

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There are thousands of companies trading on the internet...if everyone took your view of things no company would ever be started anywhere..just an observation...


Yes there are successful companies online - of course there are - but its no easy way to make money as the post I was replying to was trying to claim. Its beyond stupid to suggest that all you need to make money is a computer with internet access - which is the point I was responding to.

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Not really. Then start something else. Do you have a computer and an internet? Obviously you do - then you only need one other thing - your imagination. Thats the only tool you need.


If your skills are as a motor mechanic or a plasterer then you'll find that it's very difficult to do that sort of work with only a computer and the internet.

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What sort of person contributes to a thread that he considers stupid? I know, a stupid one with too much time on his hands. :hihi::hihi:


It was probably just a badly worded reply.


What they actually meant was that the answer is obvious unless you're stupid.

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Indeed you are right. So when am entrepreneur starts up a sucessful business he has risked a lot to do it. That probably involves his own capital and his family security, probably even the family home.

Should his business prosper and decomes a Dyson or a Gripple and provide jobs for hundreds who didn't take those risks the government would reward him by taking much of any reward his endevour produced.


I cut this from an article regarding the 50% tax rate.


John Whiting, of the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT), has calculated the sort of extra tax bill some individuals will face.


Take someone who earns £200,000 a year and who makes £20,000 of contributions to their pension scheme, which are matched by identical contributions from their employer.


In the current tax year 2009-10 their total tax bill, including national insurance contributions (NICs) will come to £67,689.


By 2011-12 they will have to pay more as follows:


• Tax on employer contributions: 30% on £20,000 = £6,000


• Tax relief on own pension contributions reduced by = £4,000


• Personal allowance lost = £2,590


• Impact of 50% tax rate = £5,000


• NICs: 1% extra on £194,285 = £1,943


• NICs: increase in start point = £91 saved


• Total extra tax = £19,442.


That is a whopping increase in that person's tax bill of 29%, to £87,131.




So after all those risks to get an income of £200K the government would take almost £90K of that leaving only £110K to spend. Then when the entrepreneur dies his family have to pay inheritance tax on the business. It is little wonder that so few bother to start up businesses and that the sucessful ones move abroad.


You seem to have confused an entrepreneur with someone working for a company and receiving 200k salary and 20k pension contribution.

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Fine then, move the stinking market over there and forbid the company to trade with the UK in any means what-so-ever. Strip the owners/manager of their British nationality (if they are anyway) and forbid them to ever set foot in the UK again, in fact if they want to see their rotten family, send them out too ... what comes around goes around.


Brilliant, they'll take their business and their money, pay their taxes in Poland, the company won't trade in the UK (protectionism) and very shortly our economy will completely crash. It really would come around.

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