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Don't let your dog approach on lead dogs!


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Well in the spirit of new year ranting, I thought I'd add mine as I was SO annoyed yesterday.


Went for a family new year walk yesterday as is tradition with a lot of people. Normally I'd avoid busy times and places but yesterday that wasn't possible as everywhere was packed.


I let our dog off lead for much of the walk but called her back and put her on her lead when other people and dogs came past because she's skittish/boisterous around them which is no good when it's busy especially with small children about. I was trying my best to keep her to heel calmly and right on the edge of the path or off it while other people came past because she hates to be approached by boisterous dogs when she's on her lead.


But no less than three sets of walkers allowed their dogs to run up to her! Two of those had three dogs each that ran over to her jumping around, one of them barking at her and getting her into a right state. How would they like to be tied up and having three big loud people running up to them shouting at them when they can't get away? :rant:


I was SO angry! These people made NO effort whatsoever and didn't apologise. How am I ever supposed to make progress with her if this keeps happening and she keeps getting scared while on her lead?


I totally appreciate that accidents/mistakes happen and wouldn't mind if someone's dog just accidentally got away from them if they were making the effort to get it back and said sorry but these people just didn't seem to give a toss what their dogs were doing or how it affected other people :rant:


PLEASE if there's a dog on lead keep your flaming dogs away from it unless you've been told otherwise - put them on a lead if you can't control them properly, it's only for 30 seconds while you walk past isn't it? Not bloody difficult :mad:

Edited by vwkittie
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We went up Rushup Edge yesterday and had our dog on his lead.

Two dogs off the lead did exactly the same thing, my wife was holding the lead and as one dog came over to ours I positioned myself between them, because if the other dog had gone for mine he would've bitten it in half.

My boy has a great temperament but I know he won't put up with aggression.

I always lead him when other dogs are around, unless they look like they won't cause problems.

Anyway it was a brill walk up to Lords Seat through the snow!

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totaly agree with you hun,i have 3 dogs,and to avoid any fights if i see dogs i dont know they stay on lead untill i can ask the owner if there is ok or do they want to play that kind of thing,or if i see dogs on lead mine goes back on,i think its so disrespectfull just just let your dog run up to another on leas dog,however having 3 i have had a lot of times where weve come across dogs quicker than i saw and mine ran up to it (they have thick moments) pmsl,however i quickley go get mine and do apologise.

to not even apologise to you is horrible espesh as being dog owners they should be able to tell if yours if acting scared or scatty ect ect

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I completely agree!!!!

I have mine on a lead at all times now (unless I am on a huge field and can see a LONG way in all directions) as she has become dog aggressive.

I am really fed up with people allowing their dogs to run up to her whilst saying "it's alright, he/she just wants to play" as I am desperately trying to stop my dog from attacking theirs!

I end up shouting "mine isn't friendly, please can you get your dog away" but people just tend to smile and wait until mine is completely frantic and I am seriously struggling before even attempting to remove their dog from the situation.

Not only is this upsetting and stressful but it really doesn't help with me trying to train her. Every time this happens it sends her backwards instead of forwards. In can take weeks for her to get past one incident like that and the training is going so slowly because of it.

Walks have become a chore rather than a pleasure and people allowing this makes is so so so much worse.


Please, if you walk your dog offlead, make sure you have control and do not allow them to run/walk/approach dogs on lead.

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Lack of respect is the problem,people just don't care enough to behave properly.

By leishing mine i'm not only protecting my dog i'm protecting theirs, they'd the first to start getting upset if their dog attacks mine, while he's on his lead, and I let him off.

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Oh I hate that 'don't worry he just wants to play' thing. Yes I know that, YOU know that, YOUR DOG knows that but MY dog doesn't, she's bloody terrified!


It's like they can't even see that my poor dog is screaming and trying to back out of her collar to run away :(


I felt like crying yesterday because it's so unfair on her and just makes her behaviour worse and worse, and I don't know what to do to make her better :( and other people being stupid idiots don't help :mad:

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I have ended up in tears many times.

My dog is aggressive to other dogs but I believe it is through fear the majority of the time. She doesn't know what to do so goes to her natural instinct of 'chase and kill' being half whippet.

Walks have become a totally controlled, sterile thing that involve no fun anymore.

I am constantly on alert, which she picks up on, and it generally ends up with me becoming so frustrated that I end up in tears.

I totally understand where you are coming from.

I now have mine wearing a thundershirt, walking with a halti, and often wearing a muzzle, but none of this helps when dogs come bounding up to her and jumping all over her.

I just wish people would realise what an effect it can have on a person and their dog when they allow this to happen as it's awful.

It happened to me yesterday and I ended up feeling rubbish all day.

i wish there was an enclosed field I could taker her too to let her just run offlead with no other dogs to worry about, but there isn't so I just have to put up with it.


maybe you and I could do some walking together with our dogs on lead...even at a distance so they can see each other but don't interact at all, to help them get used to other dogs a little?

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On occasion my dogs are off lead and do pop along and introduce themselves to other on lead dogs, usually though when they appear from "out of nowhere" ,never ever in wide open spaces where visibility is good. I do however get them back under control and back as quick and apologetically as possible.

I recently met a lurcher walker who was quite pleased when i let my boys give her dog a run on RV,it was normally a snarly,snappy dog whilst on the lead.Several spurts and dashes,growls and snarls finished with a 15 minute calm walk.

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