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Don't let your dog approach on lead dogs!


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I've been quite lucky with the Staffy prejudice thing to be honest. I've had mine for about 2 and a half years now and I've never had any bad or negative comments. A few people have given us a wide birth but I have no proof it's because my dog is a Staffy. For all I know, it could be because their dog isn't good with others. I was surprised at how well people reacted to her. There are lots of Staffy lovers out there! I do also think the fact she's white goes in her favour. For some reason, people seem to be more wary of the darker coloured Staffies. (which I know is ridiculous) But in general, people seem to react well to her are most are happy to let their dogs say hello and play with her. She does play very rough though which is why I have to keep her on a lead!

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Another lovely walk ruined by idiot dog owners.

My staffy's just been attacked by an off the lead border collie, my dog was on his lead the collie was with a golden lab the owners of both these dogs were ambling along miles in front, deep in conversation, oblivious to what the dogs were doing. The collie launched its self at my dog, owner didn't even turn round on hearing the commotion. When they eventually noticed that we were under attack from their dog they didn't even approach. Just looked whilst I got the situation under control. No sorry no acknowledgment nothing.

If they are reading this they might want to ckeck their dogs face for cuts etc, my dogs ok but think he may have momentarily got hold of its cheek.

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This has happened so many times. My youngest dog does not like other dogs running up to him. I always shout out and try to walk off - no matter how friendly you think your dog may be please don't ignore the owner as even the friendliest of dogs can turn. It happened in Rivelin and the other owner ended up getting nipped in the mêlée that followed. I had shouted 3 warnings! I was also recently caught up in a pack of about 5 off lead dogs all trying to get to mine. I was trying to get away as I knew what would happen. The other owners just stood there while I was screaming for help. It really shook me up. I am always on high alert for other dogs and people and tend to shoot off in another direction. Please be more careful :loopy:

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Our little Lhasa is very wary and nervy of other dogs, thanks to being charged at by an off lead barking larger dog.Who's owner was some distance away ..But it was ok because the dog only wanted to play !!!!!..Unfortunately neither Ben nor my hubby and I knew that from the way it was jumping at me...

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We have 3 greyhounds, two of which are always on the lead and one of which can be trusted off-lead if there are no other dogs in the vicinity. As soon as we see other dogs, or indeed people with small children, then he goes on the lead. My gripe is with the people who are so engrossed in their mobile conversations that they are not paying attention to their off-lead dogs as they chat. A couple of days ago, a woman with a couple of off-lead springers was in front of us on her phone. One of her dogs was lagging quite a distance behind her - she'd not noticed, but the dog had been very interested in a decomposed rabbit at the side of the road. She'd no idea. Would have served her right if dog had had a bit of a tummy upset when it got home.

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  • 6 months later...

I get annoyed at something slightly different and annoying!


I own a rescue pug who has had a difficult life. I take him out every day to socialise him and for big walks at the weekends to allow him to learn that people and dogs are not something to be scared off. Its a slow process but progress is being made.


What annoys me is the number of parents who will tell their kids to "go play with that doggy". Now I know he is a small pug but no parent should ever say those words to a child! One parent picked their child up because they didn't want to come over and carried them toward the dog. When I was about a meter away I said he has anxieties and will bite (he never has and loves kids more than anyone else but I wanted to teach the parent a lesson). The parent just turned around and left. I don't think she even realised how dangerous it is to treat dogs as toys.


Sorry rant over :)

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I get annoyed at something slightly different and annoying!


I own a rescue pug who has had a difficult life. I take him out every day to socialise him and for big walks at the weekends to allow him to learn that people and dogs are not something to be scared off. Its a slow process but progress is being made.


What annoys me is the number of parents who will tell their kids to "go play with that doggy". Now I know he is a small pug but no parent should ever say those words to a child! One parent picked their child up because they didn't want to come over and carried them toward the dog. When I was about a meter away I said he has anxieties and will bite (he never has and loves kids more than anyone else but I wanted to teach the parent a lesson). The parent just turned around and left. I don't think she even realised how dangerous it is to treat dogs as toys.


Sorry rant over :)


We have had similar with Ben people want to stroke his head but he is a double cleftie and wary if he thinks you are going to touch his nose so we always warn people . I also tell people he may bite he never has either.He is Never off lead when he is out .

Edited by lyndyloo
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Some people just don't think, I'm sure.


I was walking my parents dog recently, clipped him on the lead when we saw someone else with dogs.

They let them run up anyway, 2 little things, they've made a nice snack if he'd gotten a bit funny.

And even when my Dad said to them, he can be aggressive with dogs he doesn't know, and I'm leaning my full body weight against the lead to hold him still, it took telling them three times before they did anything. Good job he wasn't feeling grumpy, because despite holding him, I couldn't have stopped him grabbing one since they were running around and under him.

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Some people just don't think, I'm sure.


I was walking my parents dog recently, clipped him on the lead when we saw someone else with dogs.

They let them run up anyway, 2 little things, they've made a nice snack if he'd gotten a bit funny.

And even when my Dad said to them, he can be aggressive with dogs he doesn't know, and I'm leaning my full body weight against the lead to hold him still, it took telling them three times before they did anything. Good job he wasn't feeling grumpy, because despite holding him, I couldn't have stopped him grabbing one since they were running around and under him.


I agree that they should have put their dogs on lead but if yours is unpredictable when out then he ought to be muzzled. Suppose a child ran past and you couldn't stop him biting

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He's not that unpredictable. But he does sometimes take exception to other dogs running up to and around him.

He has absolutely no issues with children or people, the greatest danger would be getting him to stop playing and continue with his walk.

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