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Don't let your dog approach on lead dogs!


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Oh yes, the number of times I've felt like just letting mine off her lead when she's being harassed and scared by a 'sweet' little yappy thing :rant:


We'll see how fast your rat can run then! :rant:


Never done it though... yet!


Totally get where you are coming from here. My dog is a huge black lab and whilst walking him the other day (off lead, may I add), two tiny jack russell things came up to him, and started yapping at him. Benji is terrified of most dogs so he ran off the path and behind the bushes to avoid them, but they both chased him still yapping at him. So Benji gave a growl which was more of a "please leave me alone!" growl and less of a "back off NOW" growl and the owner asked if we could put him on a lead! No, actually we can't, control YOUR dogs and Benji would be perfectly happy.


Seriously though he is terrified, he seems ok with dogs of a similar size but anything bigger or smaller he runs away.

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Our neighbours dog does not attack other on-lead dogs.


NO, he trys to mate with them in the street. :hihi: Randy Romeo has a very high sex drive, and it doesn't matter if the other dog is male or female, it is funny seeing the reaction of the other dog.


Having said that, if i was walking down a street and a man tried to mate with me in public, I too would be shocked

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There's someone who walks 2 dogs near me off lead without even watching them the amount of times me and OH have been charged towards by these two is getting riduclus. I have now changed my walk to accomadate this prat. I understand accidents happen, i've been guilty of them when Vin was younger but charged straight over apologising. Not ignoring requests to recall your dogs, the dogs luckily seem to respond to us shouting at them to go away but my god if one day they don't i wouldn't want to be caught in the middle.


I can't repeat what he gets called in our house

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Totally get where you are coming from here. My dog is a huge black lab and whilst walking him the other day (off lead, may I add), two tiny jack russell things came up to him, and started yapping at him. Benji is terrified of most dogs so he ran off the path and behind the bushes to avoid them, but they both chased him still yapping at him. So Benji gave a growl which was more of a "please leave me alone!" growl and less of a "back off NOW" growl and the owner asked if we could put him on a lead! No, actually we can't, control YOUR dogs and Benji would be perfectly happy.


Seriously though he is terrified, he seems ok with dogs of a similar size but anything bigger or smaller he runs away.


But all dogs where off lead so your all at fault not just them

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But all dogs where off lead so your all at fault not just them


To a point yes, but when my dog runs away and the other two chase after it barking I think thats when the other owner should have stepped in. Besides, i think he would have panicked more HAD he been on a lead.

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So sad to hear of so many dogs not able to socialise. I am not having a go at all by the way. My own dog Levi (passed away recently aged 15) was dog aggressive. Loved our cat, pups and the senior dogs but wouldn't tolerate any dog was was of "normal" age. I also know why.... In my case I didn't socialise him enough as a puppy and when he did show aggression I didn't seek advice on how to nip it in the bud.


My other dog Nina, loves other dogs and our cat. She however grew up with Levi and was always out walking with us after her jabs and saying hello to any friendly dog on a lead. Levi never grew out of his dog aggression but I loved him to bits, kept him on lead and always shouted ahead to warn others.... On the stupid responses of "he just wants to play" I shouted "Mine doesn't - grab yours NOW"!


To anyone with ANY breed of pup right now, please socialise your puppy as much as possible. Keep them on a lead in public as you never know if the other dog is friendly or not. It will avoid an awful lot of stress. Any behavior problems always seek advice from a dog trainer before it gets out of hand.


You wouldn't have a child and not let him/her socialise with other kids would you?


Red xx

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I always call my dog back to me when she's off lead if i see another dog, and my dog is always muzzled. She's not aggressive but can be a bit rough when she plays (she likes to bite other dogs noses for some reason!) I know she's only playing, but obviously some dogs don't take too kindly to having their noses snapped at which is why i keep her muzzled. We are trying to get her out of this habit but it's taking a while!


I hate having to muzzle her though as other people do seem to try and avoid us (she's a big dog and when people see the muzzle, they move away from us). It's a shame as my dog is friendly and just wants to play. And the only way we can teach her to play nicely is by socialising her with other dogs.


She wears a mesh muzzle which means she can still open her mouth enough to receive treats and she can also carry her rubber ball. But it stops her opening her mouth wide enough to bite.

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See my thread re dogs off leads, had enough of it, imo, they should be kept on leads at all times, unless it is in your own field or garden, im sorry but they are unpredictable animals, look how many lost dog threads there are on here for example! most of them wouldnt be lost if someone kept them on a lead! rant over.

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See my thread re dogs off leads, had enough of it, imo, they should be kept on leads at all times, unless it is in your own field or garden, im sorry but they are unpredictable animals, look how many lost dog threads there are on here for example! most of them wouldnt be lost if someone kept them on a lead! rant over.

why should all dogs be punished because of a few ideotic owners, 2 of my 3 dogs only come off lead in large areas where i can see all around so i can call them back if some1 approaches the 3rd who is young and friendly comes off lead as long as other dogs around him are friendly because he needs the socialisation.


as your other thread is about horses im assuming most of the people on this thread would not walk there dogs off lead around horses, i dont walk mine around any kind of livestock and if i see any even at the other side off a fence all are back on lead

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because no matter how good an owner you are, these are still animals we are talking about, let me tell you 80% of dog walkers who come in our field are stupid enough to let their dogs off in there...but i am glad you are responsible enough to put yours on leads/not walk them through...dogs will be dogs and it really doesnt take much to upset them, socialised or not, my poor friendly rotty was on his lead and was attacked by a staffy cross terrier, it was horrible to see, my poor boy didnt know what to do, if he was off lead i doubt it would have had the same outcome, if they were both on leads, then i doubt it would have happened at all...

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