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Don't let your dog approach on lead dogs!


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Our rescue staffy isn't good with other dogs. I do let him off when there are no other dogs in sight. As soon as I see another person aproaching I get him back on his lead presuming they have a dog with them. Unfortunately other dog owners think its ok for their smaller dogs to run up and bark in his face. A few weeks back two j r t came running up barking at him when I had got him on his lead. One bit him on the cheek the owner just looked on and laughed. I was so angry I didn't say anything to him. If my staffy had run up to his dog and attacked it you can bet he'd have had a few choice words for me.

when our gsd was a pup we took him up to graves park for his first ever walk after his jabs, he was off lead walking quite happly at the side of me when out of nowhere appears a westie and collie both attacked him the owners thought this was hillarious. i asked them if they would have thought it so funny if he had been fully grown and attacking them to which they walked off muttering.


a few weeks later we were up there again this time we had the gsd and my 10 year old collie x yet again these 2 dogs ran at the pup and he ran behind me knowing what was coming so did the owners who were laughing like hyenas till the 10 year old pasted both their dogs, amazingly they tried to have a go at me for having an out of control dog off lead

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Our Whiskey would probably be one of the dogs to run up and approach your dog.

He's not mean, he's a whimp, but he does like to say hello to other dogs.


I suppose the plus thing with our Whiskey though is he reads other dogs well.

If they aren't dog friendly or are not happy with his presence, he stays away and won't approach. Same as if they say hello and the other dog then decides they don't like him, he backs off and keeps away.

However, if they are a friendly dog and want to meet him, he will usually run full pelt upto them and skid to a halt - he's a bit OTT like that. :hihi:


This really doesn't help people who have invested time and money in to trying to train their dog though does it.

By the time the dog on lead has made it clear that they aren't wanting hassling by your dog it's too late. All of the training is out of the window.

You may go home thinking it was just a little altercation that did no harm but the other person can end up going home in tears and having to start all over again. I know this as it's happened to me several times.

You say your dog is 'OTT like that', well so is mine, but if yours ever came up to mine being OTT then mine would respond in an OTT way you probably woulnd't be too pleased with.

What a totally irresponsible post to have put on a thread like this

If you can't stop your dog from running up to others on lead then kepp yours on lead too!


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This really doesn't help people who have invested time and money in to trying to train their dog though does it.

By the time the dog on lead has made it clear that they aren't wanting hassling by your dog it's too late. All of the training is out of the window.

You may go home thinking it was just a little altercation that did no harm but the other person can end up going home in tears and having to start all over again. I know this as it's happened to me several times.

You say your dog is 'OTT like that', well so is mine, but if yours ever came up to mine being OTT then mine would respond in an OTT way you probably woulnd't be too pleased with.

What a totally irresponsible post to have put on a thread like this

If you can't stop your dog from running up to others on lead then kepp yours on lead too!



Lol. Say what you like. You don't know me or my dog.

A few people know me and met me and my dog on here IRL, and I am sure they wouldn't say I am irresponsible.

We only go off lead in large open meadows or in woods made for dog walkers.


Just to add, we've never had any problems with our dog meeting other dogs on or off lead. The odd times we've met unsocial other dogs, there has never been any problems either, as my dog as kept away from them and ignored them ;)

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I hate it when people let their dogs run up to mine. We have a foster at the moment and we took him round Rother Valley. Everybody was being nice and considerate until a woman let her terrier run up to him barking. Thankfully he didn't retaliate. I shook my head and walked on when the woman turned around and started swearing and shouting insults at me. No idea why she was insulting me when she was the one who didn't have her dog under control!

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I completely agree!!!!

I have mine on a lead at all times now (unless I am on a huge field and can see a LONG way in all directions) as she has become dog aggressive.

I am really fed up with people allowing their dogs to run up to her whilst saying "it's alright, he/she just wants to play" as I am desperately trying to stop my dog from attacking theirs!

I end up shouting "mine isn't friendly, please can you get your dog away" but people just tend to smile and wait until mine is completely frantic and I am seriously struggling before even attempting to remove their dog from the situation.

Not only is this upsetting and stressful but it really doesn't help with me trying to train her. Every time this happens it sends her backwards instead of forwards. In can take weeks for her to get past one incident like that and the training is going so slowly because of it.

Walks have become a chore rather than a pleasure and people allowing this makes is so so so much worse.


Please, if you walk your dog offlead, make sure you have control and do not allow them to run/walk/approach dogs on lead.


My dog is the same , no end of times dogs have been off lead and ran up to him , with me shouting at the owner telling them he's not friendly,( he was attacked twice when he was a puppy, by dogs which were off lead :roll:) IF YOU DONT HAVE RECALL DONT LET THEM OFF THE LEAD , I do let him off lead , only because he as perfect recall , when I see another dog he's goes straight back on the lead , I have actually been injured by my own dog , trying to stop him from going for a little black dog,(mine was on the lead ) my fault because I grabbed him, ended up with a very bloody cut chin, he caught me with his teeth , when he was thrashing about , but I was trying to save the little black dog from harm , :rant: NO SORRY OWNERS FAULT BECAUSE HER RECALL SKILLS WERE CRAP :rant: No apology from her , no ''are you ok? '' she just walked off . :roll:

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My dog is the same , no end of times dogs have been off lead and ran up to him , with me shouting at the owner telling them he's not friendly,( he was attacked twice when he was a puppy, by dogs which were off lead :roll:) IF YOU DONT HAVE RECALL DONT LET THEM OFF THE LEAD , I do let him off lead , only because he as perfect recall , when I see another dog he's goes straight back on the lead , I have actually been injured by my own dog , trying to stop him from going for a little black dog,(mine was on the lead ) my fault because I grabbed him, ended up with a very bloody cut chin, he caught me with his teeth , when he was thrashing about , but I was trying to save the little black dog from harm , :rant: NO SORRY OWNERS FAULT BECAUSE HER RECALL SKILLS WERE CRAP :rant: No apology from her , no ''are you ok? '' she just walked off . :roll:


this has also happened to me,a dog ran up to mine(she was on lead)she went for it and i foolishly got my hand in the way and ended up with 5 stitches in my finger,saw the person involved a few day's later and showed him the damage his stupidity had done,he wasen't in the slightest bit bothered.

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  • 1 year later...

Not dragged this one back up in a while but so long as my dog is terrified by dogs that have irresponsible, unthinking, uncaring MORONS for owners I'll keep bringing it back up!


Out for a walk at Digley res the other day, walking through sheep fields that were clearly signposted 'ALL DOGS ON LEADS'. Now you'd think you'd be safe from strange dogs bounding over there but no! A big black dog comes over harassing our Leia as we were trying to get through a gate with her. Dog ends up on the other side of the gate off-lead with sheep!!


No idea whose it was as no one was even looking at it or paying any attention to what it was doing whatsoever.


People like this give dog owners a bad name and lead to dogs being banned. If you're too much of a selfish, lazy pillock to hold a lead in your hand, DON'T GET A FLIPPING DOG.

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My dog is friendly and doesn't mind other dogs running up to her but it amazes me just how many people let their dogs do it when they have no idea if mine is friendly or not. I always put her on her lead if I see another dog close by because she's too friendly! She's so giddy and excitable and I just wouldn't allow her to approach other dogs by zooming up to them and crashing into them!


There's a lady who often walks in Ecclesfield Park, she has some kind of Lurcher and it's always off lead. It's a very friendly dog but she lets it run right to the other side of the park (often out of her sight) and she never even tries calling it back to her. She's disabled and walks with the aid of a stick so she wouldn't be able to get to her dog in a hurry in anything happened to it. The other day her dog was pestering a Staffy. The Staffy was off lead, playing happily with her ball and minding her own business until this Lurcher came running at her full speed trying to get her to play. The Staffy was very tolerant and tried to ignore the dog but it wouldn't give up. The Lurchers owner could see what was happening but made no attempt to call her dog, she just carried on walking in the other direction. It just really annoyed me because if the Staffy had decided enough was enough and snapped at the Lurcher, it'd be the Staffy owner that got slated for having a dangerous dog.


Some people just have no common sense at all.

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"it'd be the Staffy owner that got slated for having a dangerous dog. "


I'm afraid we're suffering from this type of prejudice at the moment.

We have two staffy crosses one of which does not like some larger dogs and gets a bit snappy with them. So both spend most of their time on leads when out on walks.


Unfortunately there is a pedigree snobbery which seems to imply that if your dog is a pedigree then it does not need to be on lead. We are fed up of the number of bouncy labs, collies and spaniels who come bounding towards us only to be given short shrift by our two with the usual response from the owners that it's a good job that you've got them on leads!


Our two would be happy to play with other dogs off lead but unfortunately we can't risk it as any boisterous play is frowned upon by the pedigree snobs!

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My dog is friendly and doesn't mind other dogs running up to her but it amazes me just how many people let their dogs do it when they have no idea if mine is friendly or not. I always put her on her lead if I see another dog close by because she's too friendly! She's so giddy and excitable and I just wouldn't allow her to approach other dogs by zooming up to them and crashing into them!


There's a lady who often walks in Ecclesfield Park, she has some kind of Lurcher and it's always off lead. It's a very friendly dog but she lets it run right to the other side of the park (often out of her sight) and she never even tries calling it back to her. She's disabled and walks with the aid of a stick so she wouldn't be able to get to her dog in a hurry in anything happened to it. The other day her dog was pestering a Staffy. The Staffy was off lead, playing happily with her ball and minding her own business until this Lurcher came running at her full speed trying to get her to play. The Staffy was very tolerant and tried to ignore the dog but it wouldn't give up. The Lurchers owner could see what was happening but made no attempt to call her dog, she just carried on walking in the other direction. It just really annoyed me because if the Staffy had decided enough was enough and snapped at the Lurcher, it'd be the Staffy owner that got slated for having a dangerous dog.


Some people just have no common sense at all.


That's exactly what my lurcher would do - hence why she's on her lead unless there's no one around!

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