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Shouty tram woman was in court today too

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Why would you consider bringing your kids up to believe that one race is superior to another not being a form child abuse?


Most people gain racist traits from their parents, and if she's behaving like this then I think it's probably better for the kids to be found a home teaching more tolerant values.


All races of people are generally the same, but you get the same types of people in each group. It's more a psychological thing rather than race thing.

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All races of people are generally the same, but you get the same types of people in each group. It's more a psychological thing rather than race thing.


Disagree that all races are generally the same, there are big differences between us and biologically, socially and culturally and that can't be argued.


This woman however seems to believe that one is superior to another, and anybody who brings up a child in that environment is only exacerbating the problem of racism in the UK.


And for that reason anybody who believes the kids should stay with this woman, assuming she isn't willing to change her ways and behaviours, is practically as bad as her.


Racism can only exist if people teach it, and this woman might as well be a professor of it!

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I stand by all those comments.
Thats because in your mind it's ok for you to be rude to people and insult them , as long as they're politically or ideologically opposed to you - and in your mind, you're always right.

That doesn't make you any less rude or offensive.

Besides, it's a very different situation on a tram is it not - and the issue here appears to be that some people are saying the woman should have been allowed to carry on at her leisure and that no-one should have said a word.

I find that quite simply staggering.

I’m quite a big chap, have (in the past) known the inside of a ring and have significantly more confidence in my ability to look after myself physically than most people – but in the sort of situation we’re discussing here, I’d say nothing and not get involved unless I saw one or more people picking on an individual who looked scared as a result. Somebody gobbing off isn’t worth revving up, better to let them get it out of their system and calm down.


I’d not become involved because unless somebody was hurt or physically threatened, I’d be happy to watch the floor show. I suppose an anti-racism-obsessed half pint Pee-wee Herman might stand up as a knight in shining armour in that sort of situation, knowing it was only a woman he’d be confronting.

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Disagree that all races are generally the same, there are big differences between us and biologically, socially and culturally and that can't be argued.


This woman however seems to believe that one is superior to another, and anybody who brings up a child in that environment is only exacerbating the problem of racism in the UK.


And for that reason anybody who believes the kids should stay with this woman, assuming she isn't willing to change her ways and behaviours, is practically as bad as her.


Racism can only exist if people teach it, and this woman might as well be a professor of it!


What did she say or do, that gave you that impression?

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Disagree that all races are generally the same, there are big differences between us and biologically, socially and culturally and that can't be argued.


This woman however seems to believe that one is superior to another, . .. . . .

If, as you say, there are big differences, does that not inevitably mean that there must be elements of superiority/inferiority? In terms of aptitude for certain things?
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Disagree that all races are generally the same, there are big differences between us and biologically, socially and culturally and that can't be argued.



If you were to take say, a group of 20 kids from each place in the world and put them in an environment where they were each treated the same, the same split of personality types would probably appear in each group. You'd have bullies, submissive's, introverts, extroverts, etc...



Yes culture, society and origin play greatly on our upbringing, but not race.

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I’d say nothing and not get involved unless I saw one or more people picking on an individual who looked scared as a result. Somebody gobbing off isn’t worth revving up, better to let them get it out of their system and calm down.


Yes, I agree. I have seen a few situations that turned ugly because someone was running their mouth in public and someone else felt compelled to "set them straight". It's all the more dangerous in the US where many folks are armed to the teeth.


I have spoken up a couple times because it involved children or animals. But generally, if someone is crazy/high/drunk enough to spout off in public? You telling them (in a nice way, I'm sure :rolleyes:) to zip it or trying to correct them is only going to make things that much worse. Call the authorities, that's what they're there for.

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Thats because in your mind it's ok for you to be rude to people and insult them , as long as they're politically or ideologically opposed to you - and in your mind, you're always right.

I've never seen Halibut be rude to anyone here other than the most odious bigots.


That doesn't make you any less rude or offensive.

You call someone who is opposed to bigotry 'offensive'. You are quite a laugh! You go on to tell us how physical you (believe) you are (for some unknown reason), yet you wouldn't intervene in such an incident unless "somebody was hurt or physically threatened"! You obviously like to think of yourself as intelligent yet you still fail to realise that people who experience racism in their day-to-day lives could actually be emotionally hurt by the mindless tirade of this tram-travelling creature? Strange indeed. Unless racism doesn't bother you? Having read some of your previous efforts I'd safely venture that this is the reason. You'd "be happy to watch the floor show". Well there's the evidence: racism doesn't affect you personally and you couldn't care less about those who are victims of it. You "suppose an anti-racism-obsessed half pint Pee-wee Herman might stand up as a knight in shining armour in that sort of situation"? So only 'anti-racism-obsessed' people find blatant public racism offensive? No. Normal, reasonable people (ie. not yourself, cleary) find racist outbursts unacceptable behaviour.


With views as offensive as your own, it's sheer hypocrisy to attempt to call out another poster for being a bit rude to a few trolls.



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And for that reason anybody who believes the kids should stay with this woman, assuming she isn't willing to change her ways and behaviours, is practically as bad as her.


If you think holding prejudices is a good enough reason to have their children taken off them, I think you are crazy.

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The woman was off her head, she was loud and offensive but the witch hunt mentality our media and the bigoted lefty folk spout was well OTT, I see some have different attitudes on here to the mp Dianne Abbott, who unlike the tram woman was allowed to make a public apology :suspect:

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